4.00 star(s) 1 Vote


Game Developer
May 28, 2024
Interesting take. Reminds me of the old Zork game. Few comments, in addition to correcting words, better syntax eg commas helps with readability; and more re my person taste, shame the only reaction of the MC is to run away or attack the girl/creature; shame the creature's only reaction to the HJ and cum is disgust/disdain. Be nice to have nipples slightly erect. one pix : View attachment 4275078 View attachment 4275078 Continuity error? Her breasts changed, seem. much smaller
Look forward to further iterations.
Thanks for your work.
Yepyep. I am going to redo most pics for reasons like mentioned and have a full flow chart designed already which will continue current things and add new ones. Same deal with editing writing and all that. I'll be working on everything after Thanksgiving and all that jazz.

Most of all all builds will be posted here for free.


Game Developer
May 28, 2024
So is the bad end where she cuts the guy's cock and balls off or eats his fun bits?
Initial test build did have a scene where she bites off his dick, but that was only in the proof of concept build and never intended for actual project.


The Knife bad ending is a throat slice, not genitalia mutilation.

While I am here I should update that I've been swamped with work, but have been doing work on project here and there. I've had very little free time at all last few weeks.
4.00 star(s) 1 Vote