Unity - Haunting Havens [v0.1.2x] [Ayup Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Interesting premise, cute and hot models, sadly not many animations, buggy, unfinished, but no doubt worth the few minutes to check it out, currently you can experience 3 failure scenes where you approach a succubus or let them catch you (one doesn't move around, passive, one moves around on both floors and is quite fast, the other moves around only on the upper floor, also fast) and 2 success scenes (red and black, green one is buggy).

    Hopefully the mansion will be expanded to include more succubuses and also more different animations for all of them with better control of the scene (speed, where you cum, maybe slight bulges, all the good stuff).
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game with a lot of potential. Limited content for now, but the animations and interactions seem smooth. A little work on breast shape and physics needs to be done in certain positions, but it is not too bad. The choker is able to be acquired after you buy the bracelet regardless of what it actually says. Some interactions are bugged or very limited with some of the characters.
    Some things that can really make the game take off would be:
    1. Multiple variable environments like different houses to explore and figure out.
    2. Separate the shop as a different building (perhaps make it like in phasmophobia where the shop would be like going back to the truck for supplies). It is kind of weird having a shop behind the house.
    3. More succubi of different types that interact in different ways (subdual by wearing succubus down with say a cross, book, enchantment or other method).
    4. Ability to buy an item that turns the tables on a succubus; like an enchantment or buff that you can use after they attack you (Something like a potion of potence that protects you from the succubus drain and allows you to bang her into submission instead of the other way around. Imagine her surprise if you withstand her attack, then grab her and do with her as you want).
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I like the premise, could be a pretty unique great experience, provided some more work is done. More content, maybe make the protagonist faster by walking since it's a little tedious how slow he is right now and I can see the story mode being really enjoyable.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The models an animations are above any game I have played before! I've played the one of the newer updated versions of the game as well, and I am excited to see it's future! From what the dev has said about story mode, it seems there will be some interesting lore unfolding and I can't wait!

    I know the dev has already talked about this, but for others seeing this review, the game doesn't have enough replayability. I believe this has been fixed in the next update, but this version lacks that, I will update my review when the forum gets updated again.

    Very nice job!
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    +Good graphics
    +Good animations
    +Good characters models, instead of the usual plastic dolls, we have characters with actual human face. They still have the usual plastic body though.

    -It's boring, you'll spend 99% of the time waiting for something to happen
    -It's a lose to get scene game. If you lose, you contract debt and can't buy item. Later on, you'll be able to subdue the succubi, to do so, you have to lower your sanity enough for them to appear, and hope not to get caught by the one you don't want.

    -For how empty and boring this demo is, there are already teasers for the paywall... Patreon paywall.

    For some games, I wouldn't mind paying a few bucks for the finished version. But paying a subscription for content that is taken hostage by their creators? Nope.

    It would be a two stars if it weren't for the good graphics, models and animations.

    Also, be aware it's poorly optimized.

    I have a very good computer with very good specs, I can run most recent games on ultra 4k at a stable 60fps, probably more.

    I can play this one in 1080p 60fps fine in high quality, but it drops to 30 and lower on ultra. And the playground is extremely limited in size. There are 5 rooms on 2 floors.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Updating my Review

    This game is in serious need of tutorials, prompts for the doors, and a bit of a bit of a bigger area to interact with the sanity checks (Have to wiggle a bit to get the prompt) After dying over a dozen times learning where everything is and what to do as well as brightening my screen this became very enjoyable and far better then my initial review.

    Game is like Phasmophobia in that your walking around interacting with objects to deal with the spirits (Succubus in this case) haunting the place which I did enjoy, the movement needs to be smoothed out I feel as I still feel a bit too much swaying but I got use to it after a bit but definitely difficult to escape the succubus (Especially when hiding when the second one appears) love the mechanic of paying off your debt as it makes it far less of sting to lose. Will keep playing and update my review but definitely gonna keep my eye on this game, if the developer keeps at it, has a good update schedule and adds good content/improves game mechanics and bugs this game will be able topping the games list very fast.