Have an gamplay idea for an H-game that sound really fun but no story justification for the gameplay existing


Jul 26, 2019
(Note: this game will not be a visual novel and is going to be a really gameplay heavy RPG, my target demographic isn't visual novel lovers)

  • There are two areas, the Danger Zone and the Safe Area
  • Danger Zone full floors of enemies to fight, when you enter a floor, you will need to defeat waves of enemies, when you finish you will gain some kind of a prize and have the option of taking your prizes and going home or going to the next floor which will have better prizes and harder enemies
  • When you die in the Danger Zone you lose a lot of the items you gained on your trip
  • The enemies are all hot horny girls that can sometimes do sexual attacks to you instead of attacks (sexual attacks are much less common though compared to normal attacks)
  • Having sex with these girls in battle will not result in a loss, if you can make them cum first you will KO them automatically, when sexual things happen all combat ceases and you are having a battle of who makes the other cum first (if you've ever played Karryn's prison its basically that). Once you've made the enemy cum combat resumes
  • The Safe Zone has no enemies, instead it has shops, towns and girls you can add to your team to fight with you in the Danger Zone
  • Leveling them up will get you sex scenes, dates, events etc.
  • When you defeat enemies in the Danger Zone you get XP, but your XP doesn't automatically go and level up your allies, instead you need to spend it manually to level the people you want to
  • You can also level up girls with complements (free but not very efficient) and gifts (cost gold but efficient if you pick the right gifts)
  • The girls you recruit from the safe area have names, backstories, personalities and dates you can go on that are kind of like mini visual novels (unlike the enemies you fight in the Danger Zone which are nameless copy paste enemies)
First off, I think this would be a fun game but let me know if I'm wrong and this sounds like it needs more tweaking or straight up doesn't sound fun, trying to get some feedback before I invest a lot of time into making a game people may not like

Help for a plot
  • Why are the only enemies in the Wild Area all girls and why are they all horny?
  • Why are all the people you can recruit only girls?
  • Wouldn't it be weird to have sex with enemies when you have a female recruit with you that's you've built this relationship with witnessing the whole thing happening? Why would they stop fighting while sexual things are happening between you and the enemy? Like I get why the enemies would stop fighting, their horny and wanna watch but why do your allies stop fighting?
  • Throw ideas at me, should this be a fantasy setting, maybe SIFI, maybe something else entirely, I'm open to whatever as long as it doesn't restrict the kinds of girls I can draw to much
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Oct 27, 2018
Well you have two options for this; fantasy demons or a zombie plot. Demons are easy enough; succubi are in a dungeon, you can make a threat being your safe zone possibly being overrun if you don't conquer the dungeon or just have it offer riches. Why only recruit women is also easy for this; they can resist succubi attacks. Zombie plot is just porn 28 days later; women are infected by a virus that turns them into ravenous cock hungry whores, men when infected become women or just have them die, you recruit women because no men near the player exist anymore. Player can be immune so they can have sex with enemies and have it make sense with the plot since for this contact otherwise would be a no go. In both scenarios a simple cuckqueen explanation would do; they get off on watching mc bang others or just have them not care, maybe a little forced but every harem game does this so it should be fine. Any of this work for you?


Apr 11, 2022
Eazy peesy

1. Lust virus, infectes women super horny and will rip you to sherds fuxking you unless you dominate.

2. Lust virus is fatal in men without frequent sexual release. The incubation period is so quick, this wasn't figured out right away a sizeable amount of ths male pkpulation was wiped out, with horny females killing many as wll. Since you are one of the few men left in the area, the infected women want at you.

3. The supporting women are a small number that got an innoculation or werr somehow immune. Perhaps you are defending a lab trying to find a cure and if the lust women get in, they'll overrun it.

4. The aupporting women can be wooed for love or maybe everyone is stressed and needs some release.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
First of all this sounds extremely ambitious, like you could make 3+ different full games covering the exact same canon story from different angles and still have room for sequels. Conversely that means attempting to squash everything into a single game (let alone working as a single dev or small team) means a lot of concessions and shortcuts. Which is generally a bad idea when most of the actual gameplay revolves around combat and exploration let alone having to grind this combat for sex scenes. In this context it is really hard to screw up basic ideas but very easy to implement a good idea poorly or for subsystems to drag it down.

Since you named Karryn's Prison I'll note you never specified the player would be male, a female MC solves all the gender weirdness if you use a cookie-cutter monogender setting (lust virus in a girls' school or nunnery, fairies, demons or Asari simply being all-female, cloning, cataclysm killed all men etc.)

As for the specific plot and setting the main question is logistics. You can conceivably have a single sanctuary area in a school or on a deserted island but if the "Danger Zone" gameplay is to involve any exploration beyond pressing the "next encounter" button you'll struggle to come up with valid explorable locations. By contrast a fantasy dungeon, a post-apocalyptic city or a large space station can offer a wide variety of content but you need to justify how the Safe Zone continues to function. Reality-warping e.g. magic, 3D-printing habitats or a digital world are an easy cop-out but recognisable as such.
Secondly if sex is available as an option, how and why would anyone pick the "normal" combat instead of initiating sex and coming equipped for it? We might laugh at an adventurer packing a pile of dildos and vibrators but that's because fucking a succubus with one generally does not result in her fainting and leaving you be afterwards. You touched on this regarding allies but why would the player character not jump straight to foreplay?

Ultimately a lot more concrete input is needed as it's hard to tell how feasible any specific idea is for you to implement.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
Well reading the description and what you intend to do... I feel like that's the setting for a medieval hero x succubi.

How about this as a setting:

300 years ago humanity suffered a big calamity, the succubi race came from the demon realm and started to invade and slave all human kingdoms, while they were able to fight back there was one enemy that was too strong, the succubus queen, she was able to make all men lose their will to fight just with her aura, and so the succubi conquered kingdom after kingdom, until the great hero of humanity, the mage Lephastus managed to do a counterattack, he managed to defeat the succubus queen but discovered a big secret, the power of the succubus queen can be obtained by other succubus, knowing this he chose to build a tower and sealed it on the top floor.

With the succubus queen power sealed the succubi were weakened, their only option was to go to the tower in hopes that one of them could inherit the power of the succubus queen, humans tried to use this chance to fully destroy the succubi, however it was a big failure, the succubi in the tower were able to recover their strength and even drained the power of the soldiers to become even stronger. The great mage Lephastus then decided to put a ban to all males from entering the dungeon.

In the end he spent all his time researching how to break the origin of the succubi queen power and he finally found it, but he was already too old and weak to truly achieve his wish, so in this last attempt he prepared everything he could so that his descendant would be able to complete his wish, that's when our story begins...

The benefits of using this setting is:

-It is justified why only the male hero can enter the dungeon
-It also explains why the girls are so horny, because they are starved succubi
-Also can be used as a reason why they don't level normally, requiring your levels to be able to grow
-It can be used as a reason why while they are allies may choose to take different actions, in fact they may not even be true allies or have different objectives to join you.
-Also the safe areas could be explained because of the preparations of the great mage Lephastus

Overall the objectives of the girls could vary:

-Wanting to leave the dungeon
-Seeking to tempt you and obtain even more power
-Trying to inherit the power of the succubus queen
-Just seeking a partner out of loneliness

Still I have to say that what you want to do kinda feels like tower of Alfimia, an interesting RPG based on level drain and exploring the dungeon, it wasn't perfect by any means but it divided the enemies into:

a) Female adventurers (they have objectives and appear during your adventures, they could tempt you to obtain levels, money, steal skills or even try to enslave you)

b) Generic succubi (Being defeated by them is a game over but they have their sex attacks and stuff in their fights)

c) Named succubi (had more interesting fights than generic and served as dungeon bosses)

But well, out of all your setting there is little reason for any girl companion to be a true ally.


Active Member
May 18, 2021
It would be better gameplay-wise to give the player an attack to rape enemies back to reward not getting hit. To prevent spamming, perhaps give it a charge that buffs the move itself. Like at 3rd level of charge, gain iframes during the animation. Thus, nut busters.

Lore solution? In some fantasy world, the protagonist is the only male of the generation. The world is dominated by the [antagonist, probably female], and few stand against her. They have put a curse over the land to make nearly all newborn children be a female, which has lasted for 200 years. The only way to reproduce without a male is by subscribing to dark magic, which would put you under the control of the [antagonist]. To defeat them, the protagonist must [verb] the [macguffin] to attiain the power to end the reign of terror.


Jun 14, 2018
Based on your last couple of posts, you seem to be coming with all sorts of ideas in order to find one that the community likes.
My advice would be to just make the game that feels right to you rather than the community. I understand the desire to make something that many people like but what if for example multiple people who answer this thread start saying that they don't want an RPG and want a real porn QSP game ?
Would you give up on the RPG ? since it seems to me from some of your other posts that you want to make one.

Any finished game is going to have it's following. You have to screw up really bad to have everyone hate your game. So just make anything you want.

Anyway, with that out of the way, about this idea... I think it sounds kind of fun and can actually be good depending on how it's implemented.

Here are some of my ideas for a fantasy plot

Why are the only enemies in the Wild Area all girls and why are they all horny?
A long time ago a female demoness rose to power and killed or enslaved any male monsters only keeping some of them as a means of reproduction for the monsters thus allowing only females to serve in her army, females who are now starved for men.

Why are all the people you can recruit only girls?
Do they have to be ? Even if you have an all female party I would still expect the female monsters to engage in sex with them... so why not allow players to recruit some men as well (assuming people aren't gonna be so petty and call even something like this NTR). It makes for a much more interesting combat mechanic if the MC is not the one always stuck on sex combat duties.

If not having male party members is a must then maybe something like this: Male adventurers gave up, lost their courage because the all female army of monsters is more cruel to males often killing them ( maybe on orders from the demoness who has some kind of hate for men) as oposed to female adventurers who can escape more easily. Exception being the MC who is still brave or foolish enough to go out there.

Like I get why the enemies would stop fighting, their horny and wanna watch but why do your allies stop fighting?
Why would they stop ?
It could be a valid combat tactic, while the males are keeping the monsters busy, the females can take them out. Depending on how you implement the combat system you can have the MC's turn to engage in sex stuff, and some of the other party members to continue the combat. Maybe have not every monster stop fighting and the sex be more of a distraction to them, like they might skip a few turns in order to watch or something.

Wouldn't it be weird to have sex with enemies when you have a female recruit with you that's you've built this relationship with witnessing the whole thing happening?
I would assume every person recruited would know exactly what they would walk into out there so it shouldn't be a problem. Hell like I mentioned above it might be part of their combat plan to have the MC engage in sex.

So yeah this is just a quick idea that I came up to explain your gameplay. It would be a fantasy setting and would allow you to design all sorts of monster girls as enemies (rather than having just succubi)

Ultimately the one thing that would make or break this game for me is the artstyle and how well implemented and fun the combat is. A good story would be just a bonus for this kind of game.