VN - Ren'Py - Hazelnut Latte [v0.11.2] [Rad Lord]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall - 8.5/10
    Highly recommend - decent story with very good characters
    Wholesome femboy game
    Short - game not completed
    Story - 8/10
    MC is a business dude -> gets coffee from femboy, becomes interested in femboys/trans etc -> meets a lot of femboys in area
    Writing is good, LI is feels 'normal', is fun to talk to and interact with.
    Text isn't overwhelming - easy to read and enjoy
    Small amount of characters in a good way - more character depth
    Game is short - not completed
    Sound 8/10
    BGM - chill tune
    Hscenes - femboy moaning
    all you need tbh
    Renders - 10/10
    Art is good - models and background all look very good.
    Animations - 7.5/10
    Pretty much only in Hscenes - decent amount of them
    Playability - 8/10
    No lag
    Good amount of choices
    Solid Hscenes + good amount of them -> VN to Hscenes ratio is good
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Insanely good game. Realistic characters and hot sences with femboys, trans mommy, and girls.

    Bruh, this game surprisedme with how good the story is. I thought some very detailed interactions was a bit unrealistic, but it ended up being intentional, which is not mentioned a lot.

    This game is amazing, the story is so much more amazing than than I thought in the beginning.

    If I were to be extremely picky, the only thing is that sometimes characters would talk about trans-right or self identification one too many sentences, making it a tiny bit forced. However, it didn't bother me too much, and I am a conservative.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    i normally dont like VNs. they're wordy, yet the writing isn't good. a lot of dialogue that is often senseless. characters as wide as an ocean and deep as a puddle. in short, they feel like a waste.

    i'm really glad i still tried out this game. the writing is great. it has heart, it is smart, it is witty, it has a charming, nerdy character that betrays how much fun the creator had. the characters are distinct, endearing, feel real - and they're sexy of course. the story itself so far is quite intriguing as well and i'm actually looking forward to seeing the plot move along. the art style is great, well executed and greatly animated. the tone is wholesome, but neither overly soft (quite mature in its wholesomeness actually) or flat.
    tldr: 5/5, looking forward to more.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, good art, good animation have a lot of potrntial for futur updates what can i say the sissy's are on point with big asses an plump thighs beautifull trans maybe the one thing that i miss is that game can be a cool sanbox with more gameplay mechanics but overall it's pretty noice
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    First game that was good enough that I felt compelled to write a review. There's a good amount of H-scenes in the game as of writing but this game offers so much more. The characters are great and compelling with their own very real issues and reasons to care about them. The music always fitting for the scenes happening. I am overall excited to see where this story goes next as I am absolutely hooked!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Lovely art and great characters. A good futa/trans game that got better when the big dick lady got added and scenes with her were implemented. Hope it will get more updates and that more people notice the game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is for version 0.10.4 on android.

    I had fun with this, it has some nice character building, nice pacing. And good amount of stuff happening so no sandbox clicking and grinding. Story wise it's also really nice.

    I really love the art style, art quality is really good.

    So all in all, cant wait for the next chapters.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Story wise it's pretty good at least it's what it promised, the characters are realistic in terms of their thoughts and the script is good. The adult content is good for the length of the game, it doesn't drown you in the story and put some adult content at the end, the author haven't done that mistake unlike some other games. The drawings are nice but in some places the girls' faces are really "shifted?" and it's so funny lmao it's as like author worked with a freelancer who was assigned on the whole drawing process and it didn't seem to be given due attention because it had to be done on the day it was due. I recommend you to play if you are looking for a good story or if just you want a quick fap.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Graphic 4/5

    i don't have much to say. I just loved the art.

    Audio 4/5

    The background music is nice. There are sound effects for the things happening like someone taking of their clothes.

    H Scenes 5/5

    Loved the H scenes. They are animated and they are voiced with moans. I really enjoyed them.

    The only thing I want to add is that the game is a bit short, I was hoping for more content but this just shows how much i enjoyed the current content.
  10. 4.00 star(s)



    1. this game has sandbox elements, but i would so love it if i can just keep exploring the available areas, and be in a loop of gameplay. i can work, do my calls, choose whether to accept money or sex payments (have that as an entirely new system with randomly generated characters, and some where you can actually meet and fuck). be able to roam the map, repeat the scenes by talking to the characters. and just do it that way. i feel this game would truly be enhanced like a mf if it just lets me roam. and sure, it does allow me to do that.. but once the builds finished, im booted to the main menu. id of loved to continue to explore and repeat scenes to my desire. meet hazel at work? or home, or the other characters. sandbox type freedom to explore and interact would truly truly benefit this game.

    2. some older animations are not as consistent with the quality as the newer ones. the newer anims have dick swaying and such, whereas an old one (dick sucking on roller skates) is animated, but no swaying? other than that, everything is great.


    This game is beyond fucking amazing. great diverse cast of characters, femboy galore, (i wanna bang that big dicked trans lady so badly).. and the story is amazing too! i just so hope that the little exploration elements is further expanded to give us more freedom, so we can just keep playing and playing and playing, rather than having to start a new save to re- explore scenes again. i would love love love, to have a gameplay loop of freedom. aka go to hazel and ask to eat her arse etc? specific interactions and conversations etc. this game is great, and the progress is getting on nicely, and i am so fucking excited to see where it goes!!!!!! but as said, embrace more sandbox freedom. thats my only complaint really, i just wanna keep playing, but dont wish to restart each time. this is by far the best game for bi dudes such as myself, and even gay folk too. its great. SUPPORT THE DEVELOPER, SHARE THIS GAME,. LOVE THIS GAME!!! (WOULD BE FIVE STARS IF IT HAD A GAMEPLAY LOOP THAT MEANT I COULD CONTINUE PLAYING)

    disclaimer: so it seems that this site actively doesnt support developers at all. and infact encourages you to steal. now we all know what kinda site this is. however, theyve always said if devs want stuff taken down, they just need to ask. now a dev has asked, and they were told to basically "fuck off". i find that disrespectful. we know what this site is, however, if a dev that relies on the income asks you personally to take the links down. you should respect it. noone is untouchable, whether youre a hacker, a thief, etc. power trips are one hell of a drug. but the lesson to life is. theres always a bigger fish in the pond youre swimming in. be mindful. support this developer. by stealing early access keys from him, you may as well be taking the food out of his families mouths. do the right thing. the dev has been insanely interactive, supportive, and kind and generous to us. now its our turn!
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't usually review something with so little content but what's there is so good.

    One thing to clarify is that the game so far is about femboys. Not trans girls. Femboys. They dress like girls, look like girls, but expect masculine pronouns and the word "gay" to be used. If them not talking as though they're women is going to be a dealbreaker then that might be it. Even if you're on the fence about that, then imo the artwork will carry you through.

    If you've made it past that potential dealbreaker, then we all agree Femboy Hooters is a billion dollar idea waiting to happen. So why not Femboy...Starbucks? Hell, there's a Femboy Olive Garden thrown in for flavour.

    The couple of femboys you have access to are hot. Great scenes with them. The dialogue and the scenarios are a mix of extremely smutty and charmingly wholesome. Sense of genuine romance with the main femboy, submissive bitch as she is.

    Loss of a star is genuinely only for lack of content. There's a couple of hints of possible sandbox elements, but right now there's no real use to having a map screen. You'll get through it in around an hour or so. It's well worth that hour though.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game but a little bit short....
    I'm loving the art style , it's unique and change from other Renpy game.
    In term of story , I want more of it ( and a hazelnut coffee).
    Not a english native so I can't review the writing but personaly I fing it good.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for V0.9

    This is a really good game and a really good porn game. Its a cute visual novel about femboys and the dev delivers on that premise. The art is good, the writing is really good and the porn is good. The only flaw for me is the voice during the sex scenes.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Just found this game and i love it. I love the art, the characters and the story.
    The relationship building is so cute and the writing is great, love all the jokes in the lines.
    Really missed a game that has dating like this, with emotions and great conversations. Hope for a lot more updates, great game dev!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    very cute VN with good scenes. Characters are well written and the 2d art looks great. Updates come out pretty frequently as well, which is good to see.

    ATM this is pretty much a 'monogamous' story about the romance between Hazel and the MC. While there is a side-piece that was introduced, it's pretty clear (at least at the moment) Hazel isn't really into sharing or NM, and that's perfectly fine, just be aware of it going into the story.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game, really cute cant wait to see more. This is an addicting game that also helps me keep fueling my porn addiction, someone please stop me, I am spiraling down a stair case that I cannot return from the amount of porn I am consuming has destroyed my life, my family and my work, I have been unemployed for several months just beating to Hazelnut Latte it has single handily destroyed my life and the sensitivity which I get off from, femboys are too much for my porn addicted mind help please lord someone. Great game btw.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I truly love this game and cannot wait for the next update. I usually am one of the culprit skipping the story and going to the lewd scenes and move on. But I really like the writing on this game and the scenes are pretty good in light of the style. I'm curious as to see if there's more and more budget if there'll be a lot more animated scenes and how amazing the next characters are going to be.

    Hazel is a hottie who'se like the absolute perfect femboy; beautiful,funny, smart, submissive and very breedable.
    I like the MC is adventurous while staying mostly dom and taking charge, it's more my vibe, but looking at the ending of 0.8 there seems to be some classic Mommy trap coming up and some hot brawn hair trap either. I'm saying "trap" but it's introduced as "Secret" ;)
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is cute and presents a different approach to the trap/femboy/otoko no ko genre...

    It's not a bad game by any means (hence why my 4 out of 5 stars), It's very lovey dovey and heavily focuses on romance, character build up and the writing is good, it radiates at most times a natural conversation, without missing the innuendos here and there, it's got VA at the spicy moments, a decent plot ambience music, and romance (Honestly if I can compare it with another Femboy game that tries this things but fails incredibly hard at them, I'd say this one far succeeds in what Girls! Girls! Girls!? tried to do and just outshines it. To add even more salt to the wound to that game, it was a complete failure because it missed the most important part that this game manages, here YOU fuck the femboy/s)...

    Now the big con is: It sometimes forgets that, it's a porn game, people here isn't really attempting to fall in love with a femboy, or playing just because of romance they want to see more spicy things perhaps a bulge here and there, or slight groping and, as I write this review at V0.8... The art has been slowly downgrading, and that is, something that hits the game hard... But do keep in mind that it's still being developed and I'm sure rough sketches will over time change and probably improve and get better...

    Dev: If you read my rating, please don't hate it, I tried to be as objective as possible without being either too harsh neither too bootlicker, cheers and I hope everyone have a pleasant day...
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Bong Injection

    It's so good! Amazing! Great art! Really well written! Cute boys with fun and believable personalities. I even savescummed to explore every branch of the engaging dialogue.
    I'm really excited for more content!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    [ Review for version - 0.7.1 ]

    TL;DR: Still very early days, but so much promise! I have been waiting for a really good romantic femboy dating game, and here one is!

    The Good: The two femboys we've seen in the game so far have been super adorable to look at, and there is a very sexy mix of cuteness and horniness in the story. There are moments that yank the heart string in great ways and I hope for more of them.

    The Average: It's a visual novel in its early stages, so currently it is a very linear story. I don't mind linearity when the potential and content is this good, but right now there isn't a lot of choice.

    The Bad: Not enough Hazelnut Latte. Sometimes the MC feels tonally at odds with what I want to convey with the dialogue - like not being able to be more supportive of Hazel, or encourage the kinkier things that happen earlier in the game (Hazel. Nut. Latte.). Also, I don't like coffee.

    Thorough Review:

    Story: Good*

    *Can be great, but it has not been developed very far yet. You play a business rep fixer travelling to another town and meeting Femboy Hazel at a off-brand cafe. The two of them hit it off and the protagonist decide to travel back to see Hazel again to find out what could be. From there on it is a story of how faithfully the protag will pursue love and lust with Hazel, or if he will be lead astray by another bussy.

    Characters: Great!

    Hazel is a fantastic character that is very sympathetic and feels true to life! I love Hazel and the ground he cums on. I also love Jezebel, though there isn't enough Jeze in the game yet, and right now that direction is game over territory or heartbreak. The MC I am not fully on board with, but that's because I'm playing someone who is still deciding if he's okay with Femboys.

    Gameplay: Competent

    It's a visual novel. You click to progress and make choices to make more progress.

    Visuals: Great!

    I find the artwork really cute! The characters are adorable and the art during sex scenes are also fantastic, though sometimes when 'animations' are playing the faces change a bit too widely making them look odd.

    Summary: Great!

    So far the story has a lot of great potential. I will eagerly follow the development of this game and will try to support it when I have the means.


    > Towards the later part of the game you have to chose between romantic lovey-dovey and sex scenes. I love lovey-dovey, but don't want to lose out sex because I chose to kiss and cuddle during movie time.

    > More. Hazel. Nut. Latte. Or just any Hazel nut on any food or beverage Hazel will serve me.

    > More kiss and cuddle scenes.

    > Let the player reciprocate (if the player is so inclined). Don't let Hazel's peen be a tool only Hazel get to interact with. Let the player get involved too.

    > While I don't advocate for making this a femboy harem game primarily, I do hope the polyamory question will be realised to some level. If it does go that route I really hope that it will be an open harem, and not just a MC fucks everyone and everyone exclusively fucks the MC.

    > The ability to negotiate which pronoun to use for Hazel during sex scenes. Hazel is clearly a man, but has expressed interest in being thought of as a woman. It would make for some nice kinky scenes if you could play on the gender stereotypes a bit in certain scenarios.