Not a ton here in the current version (0.1e) but what there is so far is fantastic!
- Great renders (including a few animated portraits that made me think I was seeing things for a moment)
- Fantastic writing - both frequently hilarious and very... "self-aware?" "trope-conscious?" not sure what word I'm looking for here, but it plays off the MMO setting really well
- Immediately likable characters (other than Kayden, who seems like he's secretly a shitbag based on his treatment of Lel)
- A very promising range of content - just among your party you've got a femboy, a futa orc, a half?-demongirl, a shy flat-chested green-eyed redhead qt that just instantly makes you want to protect her, and a completely shameless male goblin - and I get the feeling all will have their own routes. Something here for just about everyone.