The game is average at best in most aspects. As many other reviewers already wrote, the story is our standard porn-logic family fuck party, the girls are stereotypes to the bone, nothing exciting to find here. Render quality is good, but most characters look pretty pale, the whole render scenery looks pale, don't know if this is some kind of a more "realistic" look, if so it doesn't work.
So why 5 stars?
This one simply is the best game I've ever seen when it comes to groping physics and body part animations! The dev clearly fancy the touching, fondling and groping of tits and asses, and he puts every attention of detail into the touching, squeezing and sucking. Where other games' sex scenes look like to logs rubbing against each other, here literally everything moves and wiggles, it's fantastic! And it gets better with each update.
So if you aren't interest in these things, this game won't be for you. But if squeezing attractive busts and behinds is your fetish, look no further, this is the one you were allways looking for!