VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Heart Problems [v0.9] [Xenorav]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewed at v0.5 Test

    There are a lot of things I enjoyed about this one. The models are enjoyable to look at and feel unique, except for the older cousin (she feels like I've seen her in many other games). I very much appreciate the multiple body types. For those of you who enjoy the voluptuousness of women, you will be pleased. The two stand outs are the aunt and the younger cousin.

    Speaking of younger cousin, I liked the development level of her when it comes to loli representation. She's not too young and not too old. Her personality can be a bit grating but I think that is what the dev was going for.

    This is a slow burn story, but you still will get some action. I did find it a little frustrating that the MC was constantly getting blue balled and interrupted every time he got something going. But the story made it bearable.

    The animation is hit or miss. Some of it is very very well done, such as the blowjobs. I also liked that when the action got turned up to a higher speed, it felt more real. Most games, they will say something like 'fuck me harder and faster' and the animation picks up just a little. And your thinking, 'well what are you waiting for. Give it to her.' This one actually does that. So good job to the dev.

    This is one I will definitely be watching.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is very enjoyable.

    The game was a pleasure to play and the girls all have a very distinct personality and bodies. The pacing of the game and romantic progress is pretty good.

    Graphics 9/10
    Erotic Content 10/10
    Sexual Tension 10/10
    The game has animation and sound
    (Not spectacular, but it's good enough)

    With all that's going for the game, I just feel like I can not give it 5/5.
    Maybe it's due to the incest patch, but the language/grammar is just a bit off.
    For instance the MC will speak to his cousin and tell her "I can ask my aunt" instead of "I can ask your mom". Also the when speaking about your aunt you will not say "I need to speak to aunt about this", you will rather say "I need to speak to aunt Amelia about this."

    That just took me a bit out of the game for me. I know I'm nit picking, but for a perfect game, you need everything in the game to be pretty close to perfect.

    I updated my rating to 5 stars after the last update (2023-09-30)
    I'm just enjoying the game so much. It's not perfect, but I love it.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    great art,good plot , a lot teasing but you know where it is eventually going. at present ~150 decision points (6x26 but only about half are real decisions) over all a bit draggy but well worth the d/l
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Such a good pace! Love this game and how fun it is. The characters are really likable and models are pretty.

    cg: 3.5/5
    story: 3/5
    animation: 3.5
    writhing: 4/5
    pace: 5/5
    chracters: 5/5
    models: 5/5

    Just play it already, it's a really fun game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    On one hand, it's a typical porn story. On the other hand, it's interesting, with some veritable psychological details. It doesn't feel rushed, and there are some twists and turns.

    The girls are very beautiful. On the other hand, they give you a lot of teasing and blueballing, and after that you eventually bang an old fat lady with something like horrible breast tumors.

    The plot is basically the same regardless of your choices. If you are nice you just get more lewd scenes and slightly different dialogue lines. For instance, you bang that ugly fat lady twice. But if you are rude, you still have to bang her at least once. So you choose basically between being a casanova or a douchebag, in roughly the same invariable story.

    Renders are not outstanding, but OK.

    To conclude: the plot is interesting, the writing is rather good, the girls are very pretty. Despite some flaws and annoyance, it's a quite entertaining game.

  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3683269

    One of my favourite games. Love the MILF, the ANIMATION, the RENDERS, the CHARACTERS, the NETORI, the MUSIC. Overall this game is a MASTERPIECE.

    Consider sharing your review of this game after playing it that would help the game and the players who haven't played this game. Thank You Xenorav for this wonderful game.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    one of best games

    A few suggestions to get better:

    It is better for the game to be completely third person

    Breasts and asses are exaggeratedly large .. It is better to look more natural

    It is better to write down what the other characters are thinking and what they are saying to themselves
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    great game, models are very nice AND FURTHERMORE. the suspense allows tension and causes an exciting gameplay because each update ends with a cliffhanger ultimately making the player go insane out of mass anticipation for the next update, very great method for keeping the audience interested and at the edge of their seats, hence the necessary 5 star rating.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, with nice women models and turn-on animations. Downsides: still little content and no controls over sex action. Anyways, I mark this game for myself, because I really enjoyed it and in overall would recommend donating.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A really great game, maybe one of the best (the renders (y)). Just hopefully the story & scene develop well, especially with aunt amelie, I think everyone knows she's the main star of the game. we need more good scenes with her until the final moment
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Version 0.4
    Story & Setting: I don't care too much about the backstory and the stuff with the uncle, but the pacing and teasing works very well.

    Art: The art, the renders the angles are all very well done. The girls in the same house are very hot, I don't care too much about the other girls though.

    Characters: A nice mix of personalities, I love the development of the aunt.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Kylee and Amelie are quite good looking and their character development is well-made as well. They are literally the biggest reasons why people play this game in the first place for sure.
    + Love development between MC and girls is well-written.
    + With chapter 4 DEV improved texture/render/image quality along with animations and started adding real animations with physics and especially the ones in chapter 6-7 looks pretty good. I should say I'm impressed with how much our DEV improved his game. %90 of DEVs generally don't improve their game enough, so DEV improving his game this much is quite important in my book.

    Bad Points
    - Relationship development between MC and Amelie is quite amazing, but it feels like DEV extending this: ''Act like never happened, forget about it'' thing too much, I'm not saying they should start having sex right away but at least they should have accepted what is at this point already.
    - Amelie's breast and nipple design look kind of unattractive and low quality, they are like 480p or something, which is quite weird and bad looking. With clothes, her tits were looking fantastic, but naked they are kind of meh, and it's quite disappointing after waiting to see her tits in full glory for 7 chapters...
    - Sometimes you can see grammar problems here and there, it was far worse before, but it's improved along with graphics and become better as well.
    - Most of the characters are not well-made and that's disappointing. First of all, Stephanie is darn annoying & weird, especially as she constantly tries to force MC by saying ''I'm your girlfriend! Treat me like your girlfriend or I will tell dad!'' etc is nothing more than cringe and her face is not attractive at all (At least in the first chapters before making her hair and makeup, and honestly even after that she is not that good either) and she is part of the main girls, so it's very disappointing. Secondly, we have Lauren, she actually had a great chance for ''My friend's hot mom'' content but it's wasted by her looks and character development. She is annoying with all her talk about acting like she is perfect and while her face looks good she has an unattractive body, she is a side girl and you can avoid her but while we don't have a lot of girls in the story one of them potential being wasted like this is very bad. And there is Mia, her face is not attractive at all but she has a hot-looking body and she is kind of annoying as well. It's just annoying not having a well-made girl cast except Kylee and Amelie (Amelie have nearly zero content BTW) they both have beautiful faces, bodies, and character. Other girls should have been like them as well.
    - Davie's existence is not needed anymore, he should have gone with chapter 5 already, we are in chapter 7 and it just feels like DEV trying to squeeze every last cringy story scene with him... Like seriously with every chapter he stays, he adds more cringe to the game, like how he blames Amelie for their relationship going downwards, saying she is childish, etc while literally cheating on her... I wish DEV didn't extend his time and made him leave already...
    - In the first 3 chapters texture/render/image and animation quality look very bad and the animation physics are not good either. Most of them are nothing more than 2-3 picture static so-called animations. In chapter 4 we start getting better animations with physics but fast animations were looking kind of creepy. Creepy fast animations are fixed with chapter 6 but we still have some static animations here and there and not animated some sex scenes like Titjob etc. Basically, the game animation and sex scenes became better with the latest updates but you have to bear them till reach new chapters.
    - Especially in the first 5 chapters characters have dead eyes in normal and sex scenes and there is no emotion in their eyes. Chapter 6 was better but still, they need to improve.
    - A lot of detail makes no sense like Davie inheriting MC's father's company and MC having zero rights about the company at all or having no money at all.
    - This game is 4 years old already, but we have no sex with Amelia and some other characters yet, and updates takes too much time, at this point we will never see Amelia sex scene ever, DEV keeps adding blueballing & cockblocking & teasing content/updates and dragging the game for no valid reason at all. Chapter 9 (latest chapter) was turning point, if DEV stopped dragging things for no valid reason and make a update with progress, let MC progress with Step and Amelie it would be turning and redeming update for this game, but instead it even made the game worse...
    - How Kylee treated MC in chapter 9 is another con for sure...

    For The End
    Well... What can I say? This game improved a lot and had great potential, but things getting dragged for no valid reason and updates taking too much time and other cons are dragging this game, it would be 4 stars rate game easily if they didn't exist, but with current built it's quite poor, and has no real future going on for it.
  13. 4.00 star(s)



    So the story and the writing are simple, but in a very good way ! You've heard this 100 times in these games, but this time I'm telling ya: "I'm feeling like a horny teenager.".

    Kylee is a very very my type girl, appearance-wise. So attractive, can't help myself. But, okay, I like her character as well. Busted.

    Amelie is wonderful as well. Stephanie..little devil. Her butt is an eye magnet.

    No Davie review, sorry guys.

    I liked amount of kissing content, it's made well.

    There's some music and also a little bit of moans.

    A lot of small typos, missing letters, wrong names, he instead of she etc.

    I've enjoyed the game a lot. Played it in one day with a small pauses. Was really hooked.
    The only thing I want to say is ... MORE, pls MORE :love:.

    Good luck with development.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    love it. nice story. good graphics. aunt is hot as f*ck. nice tits and in overal she is beautiful. no words needed to describe this game. just play and enjoy. howver I do not like that little sister, as for me she is to childish.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Real neat! Digging the characters and the story is pretty alright too! Animations and models are nice as well. Quite a few gramatical mistakes throughout, but in time I could see this project shine for sure!
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I played version 0.4 with the cheat/walkthrough mod.

    This game is pretty good, but I can't call it great. On the (big) plus side, I think the visuals, particularly of the main three girls, are fantastic. I think they're all very attractive, but they are all quite different and sexy in different ways.

    On the downside though, I wasn't crazy about the writing. The overall story is fine, although I found it a little boring at times - e.g. a lot of the interactions with Amelie (sp?) where he was just being supportive and not really advancing the physical romance. The dialog seemed pretty stiff too - I ended up skipping a lot of it.

    There were also some issues with the relationship refernces in the dailog - I tried to go with my own values, but that created some awkward statements (e.g. referring to "stepdad Davie" - looks like it would have worked with "uncle"). Not knocking the dev much for this because I know this would be really hard to get right for all possibilities, but I noticed these kinds of issues several times throughout. Maybe just going with a traditional incest patch would work better?
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    9/10 has a good story and great renders. I love the whole concept and I can't wait to see where this game goes, and to get some more fap material :D I am definitely thinking about dropping some cash on the patreon!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    My favorite thing about this game is the believability of the characters. They seem like real people, even with their extremes. Very few characters make me think of them as people.

    Not to oversell it. There are flaws with all of them, some frustratingly so. I'm not saying they're perfect, just that they feel real.


    Story: 3/5
    Nothing original really. Not that it has to be. It is very much a day in the life kind of story though, which is prone to slow updates and likely fizzling out story.

    Characters: 4/5
    Not to confuse this with what I already said: The characters are good. Not perfect.

    Writing: 4/5
    The dialogue is wonderful. Not every writer knows how to make believable dialogue.

    Sex stuff: 3/5
    So, this is because there isn't much actual sex stuff. So far it's been a massive tease fest with a bit of side action that kind felt cheap story wise.
    But that tease is done well. Annoyingly well at some points.

    Overall, if you like incest and teasing, give it a try.
    Be warned, fi you don't like them young, you'll probably dislike it after a certain point.
  19. 2.00 star(s)

    Darbeli Matkap

    I have been watching this game since v.01. It started quite promising, even though the story was generic. Then the dev started to look for cheap ways to extend the gameplay apparently. Cause currently, it has unbelievable amount of unnecessary scenes and texts. Amelie's storyline, for example, goes well and gathers some pace in the first two chapters of the game, and then it suddenly slows down. And the dev uses romance and irrelevant conversations and scenes to do this. It is such a turn off for me. Also, this kind of fluctuations ruin the natural essence of the story. I wish all the devs here complete the story first, then turn it into a game. I won't comment on the art and other stuff, because they don't really matter much to me if the storyline is not well-developed.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    The overall premise of the game of course is not original, but it's not to bad. It does suffer from an overall feeling of being cheap.

    Renders 5/10 : Average renders, the characters are ok, the environment is rather cheap though.

    Story 4/10 : Suffers from context problems, as well as being unimaginative and bland. Changing the relation to the characters also causes problems, it is not properly thought out.

    Animations 1/10 : Cheap and poor animated 2 second loops, along with no feeling of actually having realistic sex. Of course this is so common with these story/games. Since the story is bland and the animations cheap, this story/game is not memorable. More effort into improving both would change that.

    Playability 8/10 : Since there is no grind in the game to earn things, the playabilty is high.

    Content 5/10 : Chapters are not really short, nor are they long so for the amount of time it has been out there is an ok amount of content.

    Overall : Although not likely, a redo of the whole thing with much better and imaginative story, As well as improving the animations. Would make this a better story/game.
    As it is, it is not something that grabs the players attention or is memorable. One playthrough and there is no real desire for more.