The graphics are so immersive, I've taken a liking to the bullets impact effect, it's next lever for hentai platformers.
This game's got a great potential, even tho it's based on laggy "Unity". There's boss in the end of the level / waves, it's insane!
There are lots of features the dev has to add, such as raping monsters (press F to rape), surrender to them, more various guns and melee weapons, dogs, facehuggers, xeno-zoo-philia type of enemies, tentacles, underground traps, x-ray uterus, eggs in womb, pregnancy and abortions, giving birth to different monsters (depends on who mated with you), would be awesome to change the protagonist's sex aka female / male or animal fury / werewolf.
The graphics are so immersive, I've taken a liking to the bullets impact effect, it's next lever for hentai platformers.
This game's got a great potential, even tho it's based on laggy "Unity". There's boss in the end of the level / waves, it's insane!
There are lots of features the dev has to add, such as raping monsters (press F to rape), surrender to them, more various guns and melee weapons, dogs, facehuggers, xeno-zoo-philia type of enemies, tentacles, underground traps, x-ray uterus, eggs in womb, pregnancy and abortions, giving birth to different monsters (depends on who mated with you), would be awesome to change the protagonist's sex aka female / male or animal fury / werewolf.