I don't particularly like it, if I only rate the game, what makes up the game I give it a 4/5... but the plot seems very bad to me, even the "jokes" are bad, of course they are jokes Japanese, but still the plot seems very stupid.
-Drawing/3D modeling: 4.5 (The art, that is, removing the mega boobs that appear, is well dubbed, the scenes are well done.)
-Music/Background sound: 4 (the background music is fine, it adapts according to what is happening)
-Plot: 1 (Really, the plot, although unique, in the games I've played, seems bad to me, I mean it's a game, yes, but I didn't like it)
-Map: 4 (Well builded)
-Animation: 4.5 (they are good, fluid and the loop is not noticeable in these)
- 18+ Scenes: 4 (there are scenes, although I expected more, I can't complain)
-Gameplay: 3.5(Like any rpg, it lets you explore, however I expected a little more interaction between the npc, that is, I expected more than just dialogue)
-Interface: 3.5
In conclusion, that is, if I only analyze the points that I give it, it is a good game to pass the time. But I didn't particularly like it, I mean the plot didn't attract attention, the following is for fun but, despite the fact that the game says "big boobs" I didn't expect them to be so big, in particular I didn't like that little one detail, but does not qualify it as a bad game for others.
