Review of Version 0.1 - of Heaven's Door by Alter Worlds
------> UI & Sound <------
- The UI is simply put, perfect. Nothing unnecessary. Nothing needed.
- The sound was surprising. I don't mean only the music, the sound effects. I would risk to say I felt some spacialization, or, maybe my headphones played tricks on me.
- The music felt adequate to the environment.
------> Graphics <------
- This team has already lots of experience and know-how, so it wasn't really a surprise to see this level of quality and attention to detail. Each and every still and animation felt perfectly planned, poised, illuminated and rendered.
- Photography wise, while not making use of eccentric planes or extreme ones, the use of a combination of pans created the necessary level of mobile view point that avoided viewer fatigue. To my taste, it could have a bit more extravagant planes, but, no real complaints here. Just a lot of envy for the technical quality displayed, really.
------> Text & Writing <------
- Kudos, I didn't manage to catch a SINGLE typo. That doesn't mean there are none, it means that I didn't catch them. Probably not the first time this happens, but, what's important is what it means: Care & Attention. Surprising? No. Extremely pleasing.
- The dialogues flow. Naturally. In the case of Mika, they felt so, so, right...
- There's some narration, but it isn't too heavy, and it felt actually too light... We are somewhat used to longer exposures to walls of text, this felt a bit light. Not really a problem, but a surprise.
------> Characters <------
- The ones we got to meet up close, were all amazing. Personalities, traits, expressions, gestures, everything... was top notch.
- The ones more remote... like Sapphire and her girlfriend, and Kitten, managed to create interest in getting closer.
- The male characters in the club staff, were also interesting, without creepy vibes. Rather unusual. I expected some.
- The obvious creeps... well were obvious. Well done.
------> Story <------
- This is rather simple, and at the same time, rather complex. As the MC managed to say in the fight scene "He's someone that has nothing to lose". He's also, either by choice (as it appears to be) or by force, quite lonely, with only the Bourbon bottles to keep him company.
- That he even attempts to find temporary company, since he doesn't seem interested in more than that initially, on the persons that sell that exactly product, is rather unsurprising. What is surprising, is that he later discovers that they are giving him a reason to drop the company of the bottle.
- His navigation of a death sentence in the form of an unbeatable disease, while rediscovering a interest and a reason to live, is particularly intriguing and has captured my interest.
------> Conclusion <------
A very good start that instantly managed to grab my imagination. The portray of Strippers/Exotic Dancers was one of the best I have seen so far. Turning them into the Love Interests, instead of fetishes, is BOLD, daring and quite pleasing. Giving them a human dimension while respecting their individuality and nature, will not be a easy task, but I feel that this team will be able to do it.
------> Rating <------
A SOLID and very deserved: 5*****
Verdict: MUST PLAY