Help with Centering and Border.


Nov 4, 2021
Hello everyone. I started my first twine game. Using sugarcube. Oddly first off There is one story in there that no matter what I do I cannot delete or get rid of it. It's like that turd you just can't flush lol. Secondly. I am looking to get my CSS setup first before I get into the game and story telling. So far I have this.

body {
background-color: black;
color: gold;
font-family: Comic Sans MS, Comic Sans, Arial;
font-size: 125%;

a { color: limegreen;

a:hover {
color: lime;

But I am looking to also put a bold dialogue box around each dialogue and pictures etc

Secondly I would like to add pictures for the person talking on the left side inside the dialogue box

Thirdly I would like to be able to put who is talking this can be left justified right above the box or inside the dialogue box.

I don't mind taking it slow and adding sniplets of code and testing it. then going to step 2. then 3.

Any help would be great. I tried youtube but a lot of it is about building a webpage and not sugarcube. Or they already have a huge CSS file and I want to go step by step to set things up
so that I don't have to back track too much.

Thanks in Advance!
