Completed Hentai games: Past, Present, and Future


May 21, 2017
Let's start with the good news. Hentai games now are better than hentai games of the past. I've gone back and tried to replay games that I remember loving and/or thought were great at the time but most often found them to be mediocre or even unplayable. With a few exceptions...

That's not to say that hentai gaming is in such a great place today. The vast majority of the titles I come across are horrendous in terms of BOTH gameplay and hentai content. A few games have EITHER quality gameplay OR good art. And once or twice a year there's a real gem with both...if we're lucky.

So let's talk specifics. Tools such as Renpy and Unity have allowed developers with far less programming expertise, time, and funding to make new games. One one hand, that's been a real boon to content creators who make great art/stories but don't have a whole lot of programming expertise or cannot afford to hire one. The flip-side of this is that the hentai gaming market has been overwhelmingly flooded with titles from developers with none or very little talent. For me this is particularly frustrating because I don't have a whole lot of free time, and there's no really great way to find out if a game is good or not without actually booting it up.

One reason why hentai gaming has improved is technology in general. Graphics have never been more detailed or impressive. The scope of a game is usually grander. Rendering times continue to be optimized. And so on.

Looking towards the future the biggest opportunities are going to depend on larger projects that have more personnel with greater talent. We're starting to see that with projects like Subverse and Future that have ambition to be competitive with SFW alternatives and are being built by the big talent of the hentai field. Particularly Future Fragments due to its level of execution and quality I can see taking off on mainstream platforms like Twitch and the speedrunning community (with the SWF mode enabled or course). Due to Subverse's past and future revenue success I'm expecting (and hoping) to see AAA non-hentai gaming developer talent drawn in to hentai gaming projects and hopefully raise the bar for hentai games of the future.