TL;DR: Don't. Just don't.
If you really want a game with this exact premise but a million times more enjoyable, there's another game who's name starts with "Hentai" followed by a place of education that I'd recommend a thousand times over.
Jesus, where do I start with this one?
First and foremost, the idea is a solid one. You are the principal of a moderately sized school, with a pretty hefty amount of students for you to influence in any way you want. Whether that's actually doing your job properly and being a decent human being or, more realistically, corrupting as many as you feel like, it's all up to you. Add that with the fairly large roster of NPCs in the surrounding town for you to also play with and there's definitely some strong ideas in here.
Unfortunately, that's where they end — as ideas.
In practice, though, the game is, to put it bluntly, more akin to working a genuine office job than anything resembling a 'game', especially one meant presumably for any sort of pleasure for the player.
Let's start with the (in my opinion), most important part: the h-content itself. Or in this game's case, the lack thereof. Don't get me wrong, there's actually a pretty large amount of things in this game, but VERY little of it will actually do anything for most people, unless you're turned on by early 2000's style nondescript hentai, or models from a game I played back in middle school that I don't even remember the name of anymore.
Again, I can't fault the developer for that, as actually commissioning or producing art for the sheer amount of characters there are would be both unreasonably expensive and impossible considering the randomly generated aspect, but that doesn't change the fact that it's not going to do anything for most people.
There's an extreme amount of disappointment to be had in spending all your time on a certain character you've become fond of just for their "sex scene" to be a single still image of "anime girl #347" and some text talking about how great the sex is.
On that note, the grind.
This is, without exaggeration, the single grindiest game I've ever played, and that's including gachas, MMO's, and even EVE Online for fucks sake.
To put it in perspective, most stats, as far as I can tell anyways, cap out somewhere around 100. This applies to both the player character and NPCs. In order to access most content, NPCs have multiple stats (Corruption, Lust, Inhibition, their Friendliness towards the player, their Relationship with the player, etc.) that have to be raised before any real content for them can be experienced.
For most NPCs this isn't a problem, as each scene with them can raise or lower their stats by a pretty moderate amount (5 - 10 in most cases) and it comes down to a time investment. That's already one thing, but the kicker is that for important NPCs, like the members of the PTA who you have to corrupt in order to access ANY of the major content for the school, raise their stats in DECIMALS AT A TIME. And I mean numbers such as 0.23, 0.5, 0.12, etc.. How anyone could see that and think it was anything short of a disgrace is beyond me.
For the sake of honesty, I will say that I used the game's built in debug menu to simply cheat my own stats as high as I could and play from there, and multiple HOURS in I'm still no more closer to actually corrupting my school as I started. This is because, and I swear this isn't exaggeration, the game does everything in it's power to fuck you at any point it can. You thought the important NPCs having 1% the stat gain of everyone else was bad? Try some of them just being outright immune to hypnosis or drugs. Or, even better, try your own hypnosis having a chance to fail no matter what (unless you cheat it not to) and raising your own stats at a quarter of a percent per interaction.
It's agonizing and feels more like the world's most drawn out CBT session than something a person made for the enjoyment of other people.
Lastly, as the blinding rage I that compelled me to write all this is finally wearing off, it's just. . . boring. Even once I found a few NPCs I liked enough to spend time corrupting (which took AGES even with a maxed out hypnosis skill, which you wouldn't have until late game and was only as effective as it was because I had the "Hypnosis never fails" and "No hypnosis cooldown" [oh yeah, it has a multi-day cooldown lol]), the best you ever got was them just showing up around town in less and less clothes, occasionally wearing fetish wear, and, if you actually spent time building a relationship with you, being open to fucking wherever/whenever, which would've been genuinely hot if not for the aforementioned static royalty free stock images used for h-scenes.
There is not a hint of malice in my voice when I say that there is not a single redeeming trait about this 'game', and I'm more capable of using my own imagination to jerk off than this.
Play HU instead :]