Ren'Py - Completed - Hentasia - The Rod of Power [v1.1] [Gurdin Alehammer]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    A little blurb for a little game.

    It reminds me of those h-games you used to go onto Newgrounds to play back in the day. Very short, very to the point, and very simple. It's not difficult, but you will need to think a little before you act. It's not loaded with scenes, but the amount provided is what you should expect from a game of its length. The art is alright; it's nothing spectacular but not bad. I'm giving it a 3/5 because it feels like an average game: there's nothing bad about it, but nothing to go beyond "good." I believe it is the dev's first game and for what it's worth, he did a good job on it. It's more than what you'd expect from a dev's first game.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Short and... uh... there. Not a bad experience but not a great one either.

    Story 3/10

    You're a ho-hum adventurer in a city. One day your childhood friend, a 100 year old elf, finds you (is the implication that an 80 year old elf grew up and was friends with a child?). Her goddess is summoning you. You go to the forest and the goddess has a quest for you. She'll empower your body and dick to mind control women into being good and so she sends you forth to fuck the evil women of the world.

    So you go around fucking "evil" women such as a troll who steals from an ice giant or a goblin girl who stole a dwarf's hammer. You fuck them and brain wash them into not wanting to commit evil anymore.

    The final boss of the game is Meralya. Some elf witch? She's like, really evil. But she never does evil in front of you so you'll have to take her own word for it.

    Meralya gives you a choice to join her and her argument is actually not bad. The goddess is mind controlling people. That's fucked up. So her plan is to reverse mind control the goddess. And trust her not to use the goddess' power afterwards to take over the world but she wouldn't do that because it involves too much paperwork. Or you can choose to fight Meralya and mind control her as well. Either way leads to a unique ending with an accompanying scene.

    The story's unique but also not very interesting because the writing's intentionally very amateurish. I'd expect this level of writing out of a middle schooler's attempt at a comic book. The dialogue and relationships are very shallow and not very believable.

    Gameplay 2/10

    You walk around and fuck women. But how do you do that? There are two categories of women. Good and bad. The good ones you have to present a gift for and accomplish a task for, usually defeating a bad girl. Every bad girl involves a battle.

    The battle is basically a pick-the-correct-option-or-lose-a-heart battle. So a bunch of dialogue. Whenever you defeat a bad girl you gain a new battle action, such as if you defeat the mergirl, you gain an action that makes you slippery.

    In essence this game boils down to figuring out the order of operations to finish the game with no clear indicator which girl needs to be defeated in which order. For example, the centaur girl needs to be defeated last because you need a bunch of skills gained from the other girls.

    There's a main town which you can work and earn money, which you need to grind in order to buy items that you'll use for battle or gifts to good girls to get into their pants.

    Was this fun? No, not really. It was kind of interesting seeing the various dialogue options that came from using various actions during battle on various girls, but it just got tedious after the first couple of times.

    One extremely bad gameplay issue is that you can save anytime, anywhere. This is usually a plus but you can also overwrite your save when you're in a fail state. If you fight a girl before you have the prerequisites ready, you're guaranteed to lose and game over. If you don't have a save outside starting this fight, then you have to restart the entire game.

    Art 4/10

    Yeah, not my style. I don't really enjoy monster girl so there wasn't much for me here. The characters are mostly humanoids but even then, I just didn't like the art style. And fucking a goblin? Really?

    The goddess is frankly quite ugly. She's the green skinned girl with the 90s troll doll magenta hair. Again, monster girl is not for me, but I don't know get she's supposed to be a goddess-level beautiful.

    The shmex scenes were short and sweet but didn't contain much variation art. Most girls have 1 scenes. The prostitutes have 2 and the goddess/Meralya has 3ish. But again, since I don't like the art style, the scenes weren't great either.

    Overall 3/10

    Took me about 3 hours to beat. Had to look up how to beat Nurana which required re-purchasing an item you used before. This was unexpected since all other items were single-use and never used again.

    Was this a fun game? I'd say no. The art's subpar, the gameplay is too basic, and the writing's immature.

    What can be done to improve the game? Basically everything needs work. Story-wise hire a better writer. "What's up? The sky!" is frankly lazy and stupid writing. Gameplay-wise a lot needs to be reworked from the ground up. The game just wasn't fun and that needs to be addressed. Art-wise... I can't really judge. Every artist and every art-enjoyer has their own style and this is very much not mine. However, there could be more scenes and more variation CGIs.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good game actually. The gameplay(puzzles) in the form of combat are pretty fun and not super difficult to figure out but enough that you enjoy it. The art is really nice as well. The only complain I would have is that its really short and most characters pretty much get one scene. Some of them not very good even though the art is still really good.

    Highly worth checking out though and giving it a play through. The small grind is worth it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is what any aspiring dev should aim for: Short with plenty of clever solutions with what you have at hand and simply enjoyable to play, with a very interesting gameplay. I was surprised with how clever the game handle a lot of stuff, from the music to the character sprites and even the sex scenes, which I assume allowed the game to have more with less.

    The game is so short, and even then it doesn't overstay it's welcome. Sex scenes are short and, in fact, they are static for the most part, which I think it's just a good use for commissions. And all these things combined is what I think allowed the game to have so many appealing characters. If something, the only thing I could complain about is that the dialogue could have some more depth and it's a shame some of the characters just fade away.

    All in all, I think this great game doesn't get the recognition it deserves. A game everyone should play, and a goal for starting devs.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    A fairly short but fun enough game.

    You basically go around defeating monsters so you can sleep with them to make them nice, which then gives you an extra ability based around them ... this is cool, but also a bit of a pain because sometimes it means you're fighting something and there's 0 way to win because you've not fought someone else before to get the right ability, and then it's just a lot of trial by error pretty much (though there are some clues around).

    The game is well polished, the art is nice enough (even though I'm really not into big boobs) and it was a fun enough thing to play about with for a bit, even if I didn't find it at all erotic.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is simple but quite enjoyable, dialogues are well done and you gladly go through them to reach the best part of this game: its artwork, I LOVED the graphics, you did a great job! The game is quite short tho, but I still give it 4 stars!
    Good job!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    First and foremost, I'm not a big fan of how large some of the breasts are. It didn't take away from the enjoyment of the game. The dialogue was fun and even made me chuckle at times. The scenes aren't really animated, so that's always a bit of a let down. The gameplay is mainly point and click with puzzles, but you'll get through it with enough perseverance. I got stuck on the centaur and harpy, but I figured it out eventually. Or I looked up a guide. I don't remember. Either way, it wasn't the longest game in the world, but it was fun for what it was. And like in most games, the fish girl was the best girl.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Witty writting, great artwork, engaging gameplay, and suprisingly good music all make for and enjoyable experiance. While it is short, took a little over an hour at a casual pace, it packs a suprising amount of variety in its h-scenes. There is a small amount of grinding for gold, but it is completly tolerable. On top of it all, the game runs smoothly with no glaring bugs or design flaws. In a sea of mediocre and unfinished 2D Ren'Py games, Hentasia easily stands out.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Charming and sexy artwork. Just enough of a 'game' and 'grind' to keep it from being a pure fap fest. Enough trope recognition to feel familiar, without being 100% given into complete mindlessness.

    I think this is a really great work and can't wait to see where it goes from here.