This review perfectly sums up my thoughts on the last two Henteria games:
It almost makes me question N_Taii's views on women, thinking they would fall so easily for degen schemes.
First of all, this is a porn game, i get that some realism is necessary but you're never gonna get a full realistic NTR game, NTR itself is unrealistic, the chances of you meeting a woman whose personality fits that of a character from an NTR game is so incredibly low i can't even put a number on it, what's more is that 95% of NTR games out there are even less realistic than HC3 to the point where they don't even bother going for realism, so even though there are some things that i definitely agree with in that description, it's still baffling to me how you decided to shittalk this game specifically when out of the million other NTR games out there, this is still one of the most realistic ones you can find (again, this is NOT me saying that this game is realistic cause it's not, it's just that compared to other NTR games, this one is definitely closer to realism than most).
Second of all, we barely know anything about Haylen's past, we got one flashback a few Updates ago where this male elf walks out of a tent or some shit, can't remember exacly, but other than that all we know is that she's been raising Cyanna and Leto for the last 14 years or so and that she's borderline alcoholic. Who told you that she's been "pure for decades", or even if she was pure for the better half of the last century, how do you know that she's not a 1000 years old, what is the last 50 years to someone who's been alive for 800 ? How do you know that she didn't have a husband or a boyfriend once upon a time who looks like Jazon, which is just one explanation out of the million other ones N_Taii could use later in the story to justify why Haylen gives into Jazon's "degen schemes" easily. I've known plenty of people in my 24 years on this earth who just simply don't know how to say no, and while it's not exacly great plotwise, it's definitely not unrealistic either. Going into a porn game thinking it has Game of Thrones levels of depth is just you setting yourself up for disappointment.