Proof Of Life #219: Beer And Boobies!
Heya lads and ladies, how's the morning/afternoon/treating you? As I'm sitting here, writing a scene, I'm being painfully reminded about how hard it is to find suitable synonyms for the word clitoris so I don't have to repeat myself ten times within a few lines of dialogue. Ah, the woes a porn dev must face are great indeed~
So, this might be a short PoL, because I don't have any grand announcement to make. Development is going well and, as always, I completely misjudged the scale of everything I needed to put into this update.
I'm currently in the middle of making the update's 2nd scene out of four (initially three, but one long scene turned into two mid-size ones). Then again, most of the scenes for this update will happen towards the end, so I'm well past the middle of the update in terms of development. That still means I have three scenes and a half ahead of me (with the extra scene), as well as some more story and a few freeroams, so quite a bit of work still left.
In this screenshot, you can see Cyanna's new haircut as well as her new portrait with make-up. Some might say the make-up is a bit too flashy, but that's the point^^ I know, you're probably wishing I could have adapted her portrait to the new outfit and haircut, but unfortunately, there would be no time for that and, since this isn't a permanent portrait, it wouldn't be worth it money-wise. Still, it's better than nothing, right? : )
That's it for this Monday! I'll see you again next week, I promise!
Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful week!