Proof Of Life #221: Rough ETA On Next Update
Hello everyone, how's it going today/toafternoon/tonight? I hope all's well and you're in a good mood, for your sake and mine^^
I'll keep this PoL relatively short, because I don't have a whole lot to say and I want to go back to work ASAP^^
So first of all, I want to say that the new update won't be out this week. The story's almost a wrap, but I still have two scenes to make, and those tend to take a good amount of time until they're finished because of how technical they can be with the mix of sounds, sprites, camera angles, etc..., and I also usually write a lot more slowly when developing a sex scene because the dialogues and descriptions don't come out as naturally as when I'm doing the story.
As for the ETA, I'd say somewhere next week, not 100% sure when. As I said above, the amount of work and time needed to make a single scene tend to depend on many factors, and I'm not sure how long it'll take for the artists to finish the animations needed.
Lastly, I wanted to apologize for taking so long to finish this update. I'm not working less, or slower, and I'm not busy with something else, I just completely misjudged the time it might take to complete it. Heck, I just counted all the new maps, and there are exactly 19 of them. I know you're not used to wait this long (today's screenshot has been chosen specifically because it probably reflects your feelings), and I'm sorry about that.
So, hum, somewhere between the 14th and 19th of this month would be my best bet for Update 13's release.
See you next PoL, and I hope you can forgive me : )
Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful week!