Yeah, I don't actually expect it to happen, I'm just saying I could see it as a possibility.
We haven't seen an instance where it's tested, but he doesn't treat Cyanna anywhere near as poorly as he does Alys. Alys is a toy, something he can play with and discard, then only return to if he needs something from her or has a reason to remind her of her position beneath him. Cyanna isn't necessarily special but I'd wager she's more along the lines of personal property to Ulrod. He's not in this situation for Alys she's just something to jizz in when he feels like it, he is, however, at least partially in this situation for Cyanna. There's a very good chance that the Duke chose him not because of his competence but because he knew that Ulrod had it out for Cyanna and having a guard captain subjugated by her commander on a physical, sexual, and emotional level would mean that the Duke would control the city guard outright. So because Ulrod is specifically obsessed with Cyanna I'd wager there's a very good chance he won't let anyone else touch her unless it's either to establish his dominance over her or because someone is establishing their dominance over him.