Here's Angelina Jolie


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2017
OK I understand what's going on, I'm done with the thread. I have no energy for hostile dudes, if I knew you were like this I wouldn't even post in the thread. I was just trying to be helpful, I don't have time for human vs AI bullshit discussions. Are you a butthurt artist or something? You said AI art is shit, I said it can be good, what are you trying to prove? To correct some wrong infos:

AI art is maturing, this is just beginning. It will surpass whatever photo editing software there's. It's not wishful thinking or a nerd's dream, it's reality. And it already surpassed any kind of "No AI" photo editing tools in some areas.

It can be really fast depending on the hardware you use. So yes it was that fast.

And yes, you can create the same image with different perspective using seeds or img2img. Just with text2img of course it will be different. Who said it will be exactly same...

There's of course differences between editing/manipulating a photo and denoising millions of data combinations.

And here you go, these images and Angelina one were created before, currently I'm at work so nothing fresh. Let's see if we can create same character with different posing:

RP (1).jpg RP (2).jpg
  • Haha
Reactions: Müptezel Emo

Müptezel Emo

Dec 15, 2022
I don't have time for human vs AI bullshit discussions. Are you a butthurt artist or something?
I'm not an artist, just some internet dude who can't have any patience for dumbs.

AI art is maturing, this is just beginning.
Well, this sentence says a lot about your AI knowledge. Which is absolutely zero.

It can be really fast depending on the hardware you use. So yes it was that fast.
I'm using RTX 3090, and still takes a few minutes per images for high resolution.
I really want to know your hardware, to be honest.

And yes, you can create the same image with different perspective using seeds or img2img. Just with text2img of course it will be different. Who said it will be exactly same...
Well, nobody said. My point was you can't use AI for any final product. AI can create good looking images but that's all.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2017
Dude, boy, girl or whatever age you are stop interacting with me especially after calling names. But thanks for proving my point by your actions. This is my last message, so learn from it or continue to think you are some tech wiz, hacker with a 3090 or whatever spoiled kids now think they are and continue your pissing race with another poor soul.

If you don't know which sampler to use or correct settings or using crazy high steps thinking it will be awesome then you will keep going with minutes instead of seconds with your awesome 3090 "bro". I would give you some tips, but that train is long gone.

My zero AI knowledge and I will be going away, so no calling again!
  • Yay, new update!
Reactions: Müptezel Emo