1. I might remember this wrong but I think you used to work at the construction site for a bit longer. Now you join Missy on the very first day of work. (If you click the pipe, but who wouldn't?)
2. You can just whip out your dick for the sisters and they love it.
3. You can instantly come out to totally-not-mom as a sissy.
4. When opening the sideboard you get a monologue along the line of "I need lube to play with my butthole" right from the get go. Really brakes immersion.
5. In general it seems MC is super into the idea of becoming a sissy without any reluctance whatsoever. I personally prefer if it takes a bit of convincing/coercion/corruption for the MC go down that line. Not just "okay, guess I'll do that, why not". Again, I might remember this wrong but I don't think things happened so fast back in earlier versions (as I said it's been quite a while).
Now don't get me wrong, I don't mean to shit on you game. And I can totally see a lot of people wanting super fast progression. Probably the majority and you should absolutely cater to that for the sake of success. I just prefer the (slightly) slower burn in sissification games.
Thank you for the write up. All very valid points and I'll take another look at the flow. I never know if it's best to leave it as that or talk to each point, but I always like to address each point, so here goes:
1. I made it transition faster from the construction site to Missy quicker because that's the game. I got a lot of people that would never figure out how to start at Missy's and get stuck at the construction site, so I changed it to both hold their hand and progress them, and get to the main story line in a timely way.
2. I'll take a look at their expressions when you take it out. I do like to give you a lot of options, but have consequences for those actions, but there may be a better way
3. This was a request from several people. I personally don't like the idea of coming clean and like you having to hide it, but others are different. I'll try to think of a better way to do it.
4. Good point. I'll update that.
5. I'll take a look. Not all people get to it really quickly, some complain it takes too long, but let me work on it so it feels more reluctant. I think it's 'cause I'm very passive, but I'll try to make it more "bratty"
Thank you so much for letting me know what you're looking for. And thanks for playing and caring enough to let me know what doesn't work for you