Not sure about the actresses' names, but if, using Abby&Gabby as reference (since they are the first unique Boss in the Castle), she is 2nd (if she's Chloe), then you have 3 more unique bosses to beat (since there are 5 in total).
As for the cheating,best method was using the JavaScript Console of your current browser (Firefox or Chrome), indications on how to do it I found here:
[Post in this thread about using the Console]
Might look daunting at first, but it's not that hard to use in-practice. I'm currently working on compiling Info on the game and making the usage of the Console Commands easier (by specifically separating the commands into more intelligible formats), after which I'll make a Review on this game and include those Files (as I'm keeping everything organized into Text files). I'd also include my own Save (which is a String made using said Console Commands from that post).
If you still have issues with following the info provided by the Post above, and you cannot wait ~a week until I make my Blog post, DM me and I might be able to guide you on the steps needed for your own Browser.