I wrote a 5/5 review for this game back when it was at v0.3, and it keeps getting better and better with every update. My only complaint is still the same one I had back then, that that the number of dialog choices (both big and small) that you have is very limited (and that I really wanted to be able to treat Elena better and reciprocate her feelings at least somewhat). Other than that though this game is honestly almost a masterpiece. Kudos to the developer!
Sera was my least favorite of the 3 until this update. This update definitely raised her in my eyes above Cecille. Elena is still by far my favorite though

. I wish they had actually shown us their heartwarming reunification after Mars convinced Sera to stop being cold towards her.
Had the same issue too, so thanks. Hope the dev fixes it in the next update, especially considering that the provided saves obviously do not carry over our choices and affinity points with the different characters.
Same thing happened to me. Then I discovered that there is basically a secret way to unlock it.
That is surprising. Considering this update was exclusively Sera content while the other two "routes" were greyed out I thought the next two updates will be exclusively Cecille and Elena content. Now I am wondering when he will do the two updates needed for them, as it wouldn't make sense to progress the story further then return to here again and redo it all over, so I really hope he doesn't take long to do them.