It does make sense, it absolutely does. The thing is you shouldn't need to explain it. Maybe it's my fault and I missed some obvious exposition, but maybe there isn't enough. In Lavinia's scene (hey, I like that scene, sue me
) we have more of a clear understanding of who she is as a person, her feelings and motivations... And at least I didn't understand what was on Cecille's mind as much during her scene. If I were to guess, and as I said on the post above yours, she found a convenient loophole to pin the blame on someone else and it would be something like "The mission was failing, I had to do something or everything would be lost anyway. It's not my fault, I'm doing the only thing I can do. Noone will ever know and everything will be alright." I had no clue she was expecting a literal divine intervention, more like a "afterlife punishment", but maybe this was me assuming things.
I did say I didn't think that's what you were doing because you didn't do anything similar the whole game, but it's good to know. You're doing a good job in character development imo, I can see it's a well though scene and setting. That's something hard of judging a story midway, maybe some things are meant to be explained and make more sense next episode..
I can see someone giving in to lust even in the worst life or death moments and then realise what they've done in post sex clarity.
The one I can see happening is Cecille rejecting Erin, I have no idea how the story would go but regardless I think this has to happen. It would be rejecting all of her life (past, present and future) up until this point. Rejecting Priesthood, her dreams of being the mother of the next Hero... But considering everything that has happened so far, and what is yet to come she's already on that path. If we consider this the final step and we ponder every step of the way what would be the biggest one? To me that's losing virginity. It's the step of no return, and that's why I think it is so important. Rejecting Erin could be just the last straw that broke the camel's back but not that important in comparison.
This one I'm not that sure about and will be more vague, but it would be creampie/pregnancy. I'm not sure the latter will happen (too complicated, impossible to cover, Erin would notice eventually... Could be great if it happened), and teasing the first would be mean at this point. It may would be a big step for Cecille, maybe not, so I'm not sure if this could be one or two. Pregnancy could be a great character development, angering the goddess, failing at her job, rejection by Erin and not having the furure Hero... (And the detail that x ray view hasn't been used for penetration in Sera's scenes yet, so if it's not for penetration maybe it is for pregnancy).
If there is something else I don't see any clear moments just now, maybe something with Elena, knowing that previous Priestess weren't as faithful as she thinks... But that's a lot to guess...
And again thanks for your time and reply.