VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Hero Sex Academia [v0.092] [SexForAll]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The rendering of this games looks beautiful eve tho it needed some better rendering and animations in some areas in the game. The story don't have much to it yet since this is an early version but this game got potential. An immersive story complimenting the beautiful rendering would be great although i'm surprised that it got so much content for an early release.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + We have an interesting story. It doesn't have original details and characters, but playing in My Hero Academia World is pretty enjoyable and we have some kind of original details as well. So if DEV can add some more original details and add maybe some serious story content this game could be pretty good.
    + Game has pokemon style fight mechanics and it looks good. I like this fighting style and I saw other people like it as well. So good job man. BTW those ''Oof'' and ''POWER'' sound effects almost give me a heart attack with a shocked laugh
    + We have some references for other animes and superhero comics.
    + Renders look good for their own style. I really like them. Good job.

    Bad Points
    - Yes fight style is good but the skills don't have any visual-looking animation or picture when we use it. So this feels a little bit cheap and bad. DEV needs to add at least decent skill effect pictures or animations.
    - Having lewd content is good but... MC having sex with his sister (Gwen) out of nowhere without having any development? That just makes zero sense and makes that sex scene soulless... She is not just someone MC having sex for power, she is his sister... We should have better development for that sex scene but DEV just literally wasted a good opportunity...
    - Sex scenes need more angles and positions. In sex scenes, DEV only adds one angle, and that's it. It's not immersive at all...
    - I guess DEV wanted MC should have some competition and add Miroku as a womanizer... Yeah...
    - Now we have Bakugou... Seriously? Do you literally add the most cringy person from BNHA? Seeing him insulting and bullying inside of anime wasn't good enough? Now he can insult and bully Deku (Or your self-named character like mine) in this game as well! Honestly, this is probably one of the worse decisions DEV did...
    - There are some scripted fights that force you to lose while you have far better stats than your enemy like Azula or Buttercup fight. In that fight, I was 40 level and had 172HP while she was 10 level and had 40HP. So me losing her makes literally zero sense. Dev should have to know if he is going to add a scripted fight he should have made them more powerful than MC with stats for avoiding this kind of plot hole and nonsense. BTW currently even after getting freezing breath from bubbles, you are still losing your second fight against Azula and I guess it's a bug... Very cool... 40-level 172HP MC losing a tournament against 10-level 40HP Azula... And insulted by her...

    For The End
    This game has great potential and delivers some of them but DEV does a poor job with the execution of that potential at wastes the great potential of this game. Especially latest update was a mess...
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    My first review ever in this forum.
    Note: This review is based on the first release (ver 0.021)
    1. Art & Animation : 4/5
    A bit simple compared to other new games with 2d "arts" but I must say I like it:D.
    2. Gameplay : 5/5
    Not just a visual novel type like many other games created with renpy, but this one have a Pokemon type battle. OMG:eek::love::love:, I have been waiting for so long for a game like this one. Finally someone create it. Love it so much. So maybe now we can feel more satisfied to get a well-earned scene after a great fun battle with some villain:LOL::LOL::love:
    3. Characters : 4/5
    Well, the naming and the outfit is not so original(well it IS a Parody). IMO it could have been better if the characters are original ones or maybe the same outfit but not the same name. At least it will give a little bit of "freshness" to the game.
    4. Plot/Story :-/-
    Not really have anything significant in the first release. More like a prologue.

    Expectations/suggestions for the next version/s because the dev him/herself posted this game in this forum:
    1. I really hope to see a team battle just like Pokemon:love::love::love:. So if one hero fainted/lose, he/she will be replaced by the next one.
    2. Maybe some mission like infiltration or rescue not just straight battle to the "death".
    3. Relationship meter with the characters. It feels a bit too straightforward maybe?(or just weird enough) for someone to have sex with mc just to help the mc get power or replenish the sp.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    A very good beginning with a surprisely good amount of content being only ''v0.021,'' the sex scenes were very meh to good, average if I've to judge them all at once. I played this entire demo and never got me bored, confused a little, but never bored. One thing that this type of game needs, the option to see the scenes again.

    That's pretty much it, the animations could use a little more of work but this game so far? It's pretty good! I'll give a 7/10, I'll keep an eye of this one.