pretty lame as a H-game, barely worth it as a normal game. it's fin if you really like fire emblem type game, but slower, and with grind.
the only positive point is that fire emblem like h-game are rare. other than that, nothing, h-scene a pretty lame and you have to go out of your way to replay map to unlock them, or lose character on purpose.
balance between mission is terrible but i guess since the game allow you infinite grind with replay mission you can just outlevel everything ... (which by the way make the bonus exp your get from finishing mission quickly useless, because you could have that same exp in 5min replaying the first mission without taking any risk)
some unit are nearly immortal while other are useless (well .. that one isn't different from a normal fire emblem) and once in a while the game will drop a boss that heal itself to full after each attack due to life leech, and can't be kill in the first round of each battle, so you need to crit the first attack for 33 damage, then have the second kill ... or pray to rng she attack first, miss you so no heal, and then your character kill her (sadly she is way less OP once she join your team).
the only positive point is that fire emblem like h-game are rare. other than that, nothing, h-scene a pretty lame and you have to go out of your way to replay map to unlock them, or lose character on purpose.
balance between mission is terrible but i guess since the game allow you infinite grind with replay mission you can just outlevel everything ... (which by the way make the bonus exp your get from finishing mission quickly useless, because you could have that same exp in 5min replaying the first mission without taking any risk)
some unit are nearly immortal while other are useless (well .. that one isn't different from a normal fire emblem) and once in a while the game will drop a boss that heal itself to full after each attack due to life leech, and can't be kill in the first round of each battle, so you need to crit the first attack for 33 damage, then have the second kill ... or pray to rng she attack first, miss you so no heal, and then your character kill her (sadly she is way less OP once she join your team).