Hey Everyone! Making crpg/story generator kind of game and would love some brainstorming help


New Member
May 25, 2024
Former programmer now getting into 3d. I'm using blender and godot to make a game I've been thinking about for a long time now.

I always disliked the classic "you die, you get h content" approach done by most games. I want good h combat and good gameplay overall.

Screenshot attached is what I've been able to hack together the past 2 weeks while getting familiar with 3d and godot.

I've been primarily inspired by games like rimworld, battle brothers, xcom, pathfinder and some other crpgs I need to take a look at.

Here is what I have generally planned for the game. It's too much for sure and I need to prioritise, but this is the vision I have in mind right now:
- play as a lone wolf or with a party
- different classes, character quirks, interactions that show during dungeon raiding gameplay
- a lot of freedom with the decisions you can take. Pickpocket, enslave, convince to do x, kill anyone
- dynamic world map with cities and villages of various sizes, dungeons of different difficulties spawn, different cities get access to better resources as a mechanic to elicit conflict
- said conflict gives opportunity. If a dungeons spawns near a secluded village you might be able to easily enslave/kill do whatever to a bunch of people since the village is being raided
- you can then trade the resources. Depending on what you did you might have to go to different, bigger towns to trade for an up-price.
- towns track who goes missing. It's not trivial for people to disappear. Guards might get suspicious. Basically a crime system.
- crime and black market
- sexual combat, getting and maintaining slaves, interacting with others, questing
- scenario picker (start as male/female, etc.)

As a state of mind, I generally try to make sure that you can do some crazy stuff in the game (kind of like rimworld, except different). For example, with enough setup, it should be possible to throw your sex slave behind enemy lines as a distraction or something like that (just a random idea lol)

I'm still unsure about some things and would love some help with brainstorming. Like about having a base, the intricates of the combat system and generally making sense of all of this.

Not sure if I can post links yet (I just created this account and need to make 3 posts I think), but I'll later post my discord in here too. So if you're interested, I would love to get some help with this.
(edit: )

Artistic style is still on the to-do list. For now I've been experimenting with color quantisation and dithering.
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New Member
May 25, 2024
oh yeah and planned h content will be monsters, bondage, futa possibly, maybe machines in the future. I have a bunch of good ideas.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Best of luck!

Dynamic map means procedurally generated?
Also, will there be any story?
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New Member
May 25, 2024
Best of luck!

Dynamic map means procedurally generated?
Also, will there be any story?
Procedurally, yes.
Story is something I've been thinking about and I'm still uncertain. My goal is make a story generator. I think the story should form through random world events and quests.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Procedurally, yes.
Story is something I've been thinking about and I'm still uncertain. My goal is make a story generator. I think the story should form through random world events and quests.
... Allow me to rewrite my question: Will there be any main quest which we have to follow (Like something in Rimworld)...
... Randomly generated side-quests etc. etc.
Apr 9, 2018
I don't know how into it you'd like to get, but something that I'd always wanted to see was a fetish system where different people responded to different kinks in different ways, and it would impact your relationship with them for the better or worse. Also, while i understand that sexual absurdism (everyone is willing to fuck everyone) is pretty hip in RPGs these days, having someone who would only scrrew a male, female, trans person would both add to the realism of the story as well as increase replayability. I'd be down to shoot you some more ideas if you wanna DM