Ren'Py - Hey Grandpa [v0.2] [GFC Studio]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    What's there is promising, the game loop is pretty generic and grindy, but if you like the concept and the art, it delivers.

    The only issue right now is there just isn't a lot in the game yet. Which isn't so surprising for v0.2.

    You can bang the redhead, but you can't get a single real scene with the blondie just yet (the framework is there though, looks like you will be able to next update)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid game, fine art that emulates the source well, pacing is good, setting/plot is believable for the world, good amount of content for the amount of time it's been out. The only gripe I have with it is that it's apparent the dev is not an english speaker so the dialouge seems stiff. Otherwise quality stuff keep it up.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great content so far

    Only one real minus for me personally; not all characters have animations, which is a bummer as an avid animation enjoyer, however the still renders and the "build up" did a more than good enough job.

    This paragraph is for the non sandbox/grind enjoyers: I think overall it has a solid balance, you don't have to grind endlessly to progress. If you are lacking points for certain activities, the game tells you the requirement(s). I'm not a fan of grind mechanics like this usually, but this one was done in a proper, balanced manner. It's a very standard and straight forward type of grind, so don't expect anything mind blowing, however I can reassure you it isn't a grind game that makes you want to stab your own eyes in rage because it's either too complicated or drags out for far too long :) Regarding the sandbox aspect, it takes like a minute to get used to the map layout, it's very intuitive and easy to maneuver around.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games with so many potential, i wanna see whats coming patch to patch. The art its spectacular and thegameplay is fun.

    I would like to see a little bit of character development or more history with so many tease and sex scenes in the next updates
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a very ceative game. The design and UI are fantastic so quality work. Animations are so beautiful too such as the girls in the game. Story is decent and sandbox part of the game is working really comfortable for me.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Leaving a 5 star review based on what I've seen on this first release. Shows huge potential. The artwork here is so amazing that it made Hey Arnold characters look actually good(the artist is very talented!), and the trainer/corruption aspect, of the very little I've seen so far was spot on. Can't wait for the next update!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice eroge so far.

    Wish wasn't so empty but it's expected from a 0.1 release, bookmarking it.

    Currently it is really good so far and i'm really liking the whole artstyle which is consistent with the show that is based off (something important on parody porn games) meanwhile looking sexy enough to play it.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    This review is for version 0.1
    The game has excellent art, but that's the only notable thing so far. The current gameplay loop is just a mindless grind with nothing to interact with. The story says we're supposed to rent rooms out to girls to earn cash, but currently they don't actually pay rent. This means the only way to earn cash is by harassing the Jolly Olly man, who pays out roughly 30$ per afternoon. It takes 500$ just to open your first room, and then you have to spend roughly 250$ convincing Lila (the only girl in this version) to stay there. So in total you have to cycle through about 25 days just clicking on the Jolly Olly truck before you get to the actual plot of the game. And after all that grinding, the most you get is some kissing and stripping... that you have to pay 30$ per session, meaning even more pointless grinding.

    I genuinely hope this game improves because I like the art a lot, but this current version is boring as hell.