Hey hey!


Apr 28, 2017
Hi there everyone,

I've been here a little while, seeing all sorts of great games being uploaded on a frequent basis! I finally decided to introduce myself! Sorry for delay, I only recently found the f95zone again after playing some LoP games again that were hacked by F95. So hey there, it's great to be a part of this adult community. :)


Resident Evil-doer, part-time Candyman
Dec 24, 2016
Welcome here, ash! Nice to have you with us. Oh, there is so much more than LoP games. You opened a treasure chest! Be sure you reside onna island, bc you gonna neeeed lots of err... time on your own. To say the least! XD

What I like to tell you: Pls try to help others if needed, enjoy your stay and be a part of our community. If you got any questions do not hesitate to ask pls. Either through a personal message or in a thread. But also look up the forum / use the search field, and don't forget to read the rules we have here. ;)

Have fun sticking around, ash!


Apr 28, 2017
Thanks for the warm welcome, Cirro!

I will do just that, I see there is a treasure trove of adult games here! I'm going to need to erm... Go to the store and buy some tissues, because you know I've got a cold and such....

But yeah, thanks again for the warm welcome! I will keep an eye out if people need assistance with anything and have a wander of the forums, thanks again for the suggestions!
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