hfo hypno


Apr 8, 2017
Do you guys know about hfo hypno audio files? Hfo stands for hands free orgasm, and despite how absurd and stupid it may sound, it works. They also leave you relaxed and "high". All you need to do is to try them while leaving behind any prejudice you may have, I was myself very sceptic. You can find many of them on youtube, soundgasm, soundcloud and some reddit... Don't be scared, it's basically just a girl talking, it's a refreshing experience and nothing can go wrong, all it can happen is that you waste 30 minutes. But it's worth trying, I assure you, it opened a new world to me. I suggest you listen to eve's garden, kinkyshabby (my favourite), then maybe later aurelia alder and many more. Let me know if you liked them, so we can share many other files and experiences!
P.S. If you're trying them, make sure to lie in a comfortable position, better if there are no lights, and make sure to not be interrupted by anything or anyone, any small distraction can ruin the mood as you need to be focused on the audio. You'll need headphones!


Apr 8, 2017
It's often whispered and ASMR-like, it uses the same principle I guess (they induce a sort of tickling sensation), but having tried both, and enjoyed both, I can say they're quite different. Especially because hfo hypno requires for you to be hypnotized, and it's meant to be erotic, to the point you'll get so aroused you may come while not having moved the entire time. Again, you need an open mindset. It gets you actually hypnotized, and it's a fantastic sensation, BUT, not everyone is hypnotizable. Wheter you can or not be hypnotized depends on you. If you're stubborn on thinking it's complete bullshit it won't work, ever. It's a spell, but a weak one, and it can be broken anytime by you, at will, during the session. But you'll choose not to, because it's extremely enjoyable. These particular two, short videos introduced me to hypnosis:

Remember that anyone can be hypnotized!


Apr 8, 2017
And just to be sure, this is your average ASMR video:
This, a hfo hypno one, the reason I opened this thread:
I would describe how they're structured now, but imo you should experience them yourself, give them a try. It's very hard to explain.