Hi! Coming out as sexual.


New Member
Jul 20, 2024

Posting here is a big deal for me. Growing up, I hit puberty late. Didn't get my period until I was 14, and of course didn't start getting boobs or hips until then either. I fucking got stopped by the police officer at my school on my first day of high school, because he thought I was in elementary school.

So my girlfriends and even my own parents thought I was asexual. Thought I wasn't interested in boys (or girls) or sex or cocks or cum or pussies or boobis and nipples or what have you. Oh, balls. That's another one. (Sorry, fellas, I tend to ignore the balls. I try to keep them in mind when I'm working, I promise. It's just that cocks are so much more intriguing.)


When puberty DID hit me, it hit me like a Mac truck. ESPECIALLY in the realm of feeling sexual feelings. I started getting wet when I looked at certain people (I'm not confident I understand the vibe here yet, so I won't go into detail as to WHO got me wet), then I started getting wet at random times throughout the day, and then I started just being wet like all the motherfucking time.

It's calmed down a lot since my puberty days, of course, but the point is that I'm not asexual. I'm very sexual. But the people in my life - family, friends - still thought I was asexual, and because I'm generally a timid person who likes to just go with the flow, I decided to not disabuse people of that notion. I've kept my sexuality to myself for most of my adult life. But in my private times, I am myself. In my private times, I allow myself to feel horny, I allow myself to look at men and women and not feel ashamed. In my private times, I touch myself, and I just let myself enjoy how it feels.

And now, by joining this forum, I am semi-publicly coming out as a sexual being.

So that's why this is a big deal for me. I hope that on a forum for porn games, nobody will think I'm weird because I masturbate, or because I get wet when I look at boys, or because I get wet when I look at girls, or because I fantasize about licking cocks or licking pussies or that chick who I order coffee from in the morning plunging her fingers into my cunt and curling her fingers and then pushing me down and straddling my face so I'm forced to eat her out............

FUCK! It feels so good to be open about the fact that I have these feelings and desires!
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Apr 15, 2024


You'll find this place is a mixed bag of happy horny people and bitter horny people. Some dance between those mental states, facing the lows of dopamine withdrawal. Addiction is a pain in the butt.

Anyway, I'm glad you're out of your shell, so to speak. Take care, fellow forumie. :D


New Member
Jul 20, 2024
View attachment 3849782


You'll find this place is a mixed bag of happy horny people and bitter horny people. Some dance between those mental states, facing the lows of dopamine withdrawal. Addiction is a pain in the butt.

Anyway, I'm glad you're out of your shell, so to speak. Take care, fellow forumie. :D
Thanks! I've already seen some of the bitter people.

I hope I can turn some of these bitter people happy.

I know that I'm happy to have my fingers moving in and out of my pussy as I'm typing this with one hand.
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