Others - High School of Succubus [v1.75] [Two succubi]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    As of version 1.14
    Nice art, mediocre everything else.
    As a VN the game lacks plot, just random events, and only some loosely tied together. The escalation is inconsistent.
    As a non-VN it's worse, because gameplay is repetitive, events are too random and too little control over them and corruption gain outpaces money gain too much.
    It needs more coherent overall narrative, not just a bunch of random events.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The art is lovely with each character actually looking different. As a VN the game is light-hearted and whimsical, and that is not a bad thing. Not all erotic games need be dense and complicated. There are places to visit, activities to pursue, and characters to get to know, each with their distinct personalities, although as previously stated, they are not complex. Furthermore, the game is updated frequently and the creators are superbly communicative on their Patreon page. I wholeheartedly recommend this game (and please support them on Patreon, even if just a little).
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Very promising so far, I really like the artwork, the writting could be better though (some typos and grammatical mistakes can be found, quite obvious even for a non-native speaker as me). There are some bugs too, which apparently prevent from triggering some scenes (well, at least one, at the coffee were you work). I hope they will be fixed in the next version. I give it 5 stars, keeping in mind it's in a early stage development, because the potential it has.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    A really slow, boring, repetitive and tedious grindy game. The concept was pretty interesting, I enjoyed the thought of it a lot. However, I am playing this in the 1.3 version, so I expected it to be much more refined and just.. better.

    There is very little to do outside slowly grind for stuff, and even then the sex scenes are pretty basic, vanilla and lame. It had amazing potential but I feel like it completely ruined it by deciding to make me do the same actions over and over for a tiny, tiny gradual gain.. only to reward me with a bad sex scene and completely stupid dialogue.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is 14-03-2018...

    This is a very simple adventure/grind style game involving a corruption mechanic... It doesn't feel like a visual novel at all...

    The visuals of the characters are 2D hand drawn, and look fairly good... Same goes for the backdrops and navigation map... It also has a simple and easy to understand UI...

    The script is ok but has some spelling/grammar errors now and then, especially in the introduction phase of the game... The plot (what little there is) revolves around a female protagonist succubus who is influencing a female college student... The game introduction makes it sound like it's a possession, but it feels a lot more like a disembodied voice in students head urging her towards corruption more then an actual possession...

    After the introduction phase, the meat of the game begins as a mix of adventure game and grind style game play... You can control what the student does each day, but it must include class lecture and physical education (PE) classes as they come up... She can work for money, and most of the story line based content revolves around the contacts in her cell phone, in the form of events... Some events have certain requirements that need to be met, like clothing and other items... All primary characters also have their own corruption levels, which are influenced by the student... The game does a good job of going over most aspects of the gameplay... Once the events run dry, you've reached the end of the current content... You are not really presented with a whole lot of choices or any choices at all during most events/scenes... They sort of just play out, which was a slight bit disappointing...

    I ran into a few bugs during game play... Such as during PE class, as you select various characters to watch as they get naked, the different characters visuals start to pile up on top of one another... So prior choices are still visible, which should not be happening... Also, after all the available events are done, even if you continue playing, eventually the game freezes up (froze for me when going into the PE class after a couple weeks of continuing the grind game)... Also, after purchasing the different work clothes, they do not appear to show up when working, as a choice, when selecting what work clothes to wear at the cafe... And after the beach event is over, the bathing suit seems to disappear, so going to the beach again tells you that you need a suit, which you already purchased... With the exception of the freeze up, most of these seem to be minor bugs for the current content...

    There are some quality of life things I also wish existed in this game... First was the wardrobe, as it should default to last selected choice of sleepwear and so on, so you don't have to keep selecting the arrow sliders to change the sleepwear to what you want, every single time... I don't know if it really has an impact on anything right now, but it would really get annoying to have to take all those extra steps every single time, if it did matter... Also, the save game feature doesn't really show more then the autosave slot, so shouldn't there be more save slots available?

    Overall, this is labeled as a visual novel but really it isn't... It is just a hybrid adventure/grind game with the occasional story elements... And even those story elements are not lengthy enough to warrant being called a visual novel... You spend a majority of your time doing the repetition stuff to grind out money and stats just to be able to experience more story content, which typically has been rather short each time in the current content... The game is not bad for what it is, but a VN it is not... It is your typical grind style corruption game, with an adventure game style interaction twist... The story elements it does have, are befitting of the overall game plot... The game does show some potential, for what it is... Do not expect a deep and meaningful story plot, at least for the moment... Will I revisit it? Sure, at some point, just to see how it's progressing...