3D-Daz Hikari Gurls - Character Art


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2017

So even though Hikari is nothing yet, I did enough character design/throwing stuff at the wall, that just ended up scattered in the show us your daz skills thread. Thought I'd put it all in one place with maybe some story elements. For now I'm only planning to do a web commic, but I'd absolutely love some feedback.

Quick Exposition dump for some context on the story:
It's some time in the distant future, lets say 4021, mankind has spread out into the stars, reaching to touch the face of god himself only to find that they were utterly and completely... alone. Evidence of long dead civilizations abound, but mankind was alone in the dark... until to our horror, we learned that we were not.
We called them the Locust, for they swarmed accross the galaxy like a plaque. Devouring every thing in their path. Mindless, every consuming, unstoppable. We knew then what had happend to the galaxies life (crap this is Mass Effect. Never mind. I'll think of something that don't end with Blue, Green, Red and gets me sued.)

Edit: I got the first ~70 page out awhile ago. Hikari #01
Working on #02 now! No Patreon, no Discord. Just free.
Ok, there is a now, mostly public for everyone.
And Patreon sux, so welcome.

Issues 01-05 are free, Issues 06 is available for all subscriber tiers.

Hikari_Post.png Hikari_CoverGirlHikari01.jpg
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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2017
Kaminari. She's a member of a limited production line of Andriods designed specifically to served the long term needs of members of the "Order of Light" (Working Name) Though sexy, they are escpecially dangerous. Look but don't touch. That's not a place to put your willy, it's a charging port!



Well-Known Member
May 25, 2017
Tsuki, she is something of a space vampire, although not exactly. While she has indeed died and been re-animated, she requires a fresh infusion of other fluids besides plasma.

She sucks cock, not Blood. I know it's stupid. F95 ftw.



Well-Known Member
May 25, 2017
Midori holds the rank of Xennin in the Order of Light. And intergalactic orginization tasked primaraly with diverting, and culling the great locust swarms. Only the Lit can pilot the mysterious Vectors, (It's a gundam), forming a symbiotic union with them to provide the only means of dealing with the galaxy wide plague.
Midori is over 500 years old, long life gifted to her by the bond she holds with her Vector, Yorokobi.



Well-Known Member
May 25, 2017
Gengi is a freshly minted Yonnin in the Order of Light. He is devoted to master of 20 years, the Xennin Midori whom has been a mentor and mother figure to him ever since he lost his family to the Swarm.



Well-Known Member
May 25, 2017
Ko is they youngest member of Midori's group. Mearly an Akumba in the Order of Light, he's only been in his masters keep for a few short years. Time which has been filled with study and menial labor.

Little is know about Rojin. He seems to know a fair bit about the Order of Light and has a serious chip on his shoulder. Clearly he bears some malice towards Genji. Little can be questioned about his skills as an assassin however.



Well-Known Member
May 25, 2017
Sasayaki "Sasa" is the middle child of a rich and influential family whom has a long tradition of inducting family members into the Order of Light. Sasa for her part, failed misserably and did not carry the aspect required to form a bond with a Vector. Head strong and determined, she joined the (Fuck if I know what I wanna call it, the Space Vampires are gonna be a support orginization for the Order, they can only live by leaching Reshi off Vector pilots. Point is she's not a Vampire yet.).


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2017
The mysterious heroin of our story. Grown up in the care of a pair of Sasa's house retainers, whom she believes are her real parents... she's lived a care free an inocent life up until we find her. Where did she come from? Why is she so important? Don't know. Well I know. =P

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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2017
Callin this douche "Burnout". Burnout ran the fuck away some 80 years ago and has been living as a hermit ever since. Don't know why, but Sasa seems to want his help for something. I mean, I do know why. I have the first 6 chapeters story boarded already. I just cant come up with names for some things that don't sound freekin stupid or completely derivative. Just fyi the damn Order of Light are the fucking Jedi. It's the Jedi. Jedi with Gundams. With cock sucking Space Vampires. Bad-ass. But derivative.



Well-Known Member
May 25, 2017
Gonna have an A side B side plot with two mostly seperate groups of people that will converge at the end of the first book, if I get that far.

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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2017
Lookit what I found! Just what I was askin for! 10 year old V4 stuff. Guy did a really good job on it.
Probably I'll just make my own wings for it using mesh grabber. The last img is one I did along long time ago with Art of Illusion, it's bad, but it got the idea across.
