Why is everyone assuming that Lucy is a brokie who is dusty? She's Charli's agent, and according to everyone in the business who talks about her, she is a ruthless one. She's been earning 15-20% of every contract she has negotiated for her entire career. She also worked as a model herself for a time and that probably gave her some seed capital. To be sure, Charlie has more money (probably 80% more) but with no kids to pay for Lucy has probably been stacking paper for quite some time. It is too bad that she only wants to have one client. I'm sure that Kayla could use a better agent. Even if she only asked for 10% she would be stacking about 150 bucks an hour every time Charli does a photo shoot and nearly $2000 for runway shows and public appearances. Lucy's biggest problem isn't being broke but rather appeasing the tax man. I bet she pays for everything with an expense account just to write it off her taxes.