Kaylah: so, I will today meet your sister.
Emma: Yes, she love me very much, you will love her too... Probably. Not likely.
Kaylah: I can't wait.
MC: (thinking) Of course she is bloody here. Topless... Can this girl use a door bell, or at least call. And yes, of course she saw me... (There is static in MC brain, trying to find something faster then Suzy)
Suzy: Come back you coward, be a men once!!! You fucking perv!!! I'll kill you!!! I don't care if it will look like accident or not!!!
MC: Don't worry Charlotte, I only drive faster because I'm late (for my funeral, and nobody would like that...)
Charlotte: There is a long straight part of the road, you can go pedal to the metal there...
Emma: Ey MC, I saw a cloud of dust with thunders inside following us... And it comes fast closer. Really fast...
MC: Why are girls have to take limo today? Why not the sport car? Did I pay my life insurance?