[R>Writer] Paid Hiring a writer to join established project


Game Developer
Apr 20, 2019
- Fetish Locator

- ViNovella Games

Looking for:
- Writer

Employment Type:
- Paid

Work commitment:
- Daily work to support the team

Preferred method of contact:
- Discord - ViNovella#5877

Job Description:
- We are at the point where we need the support of someone who can write texts, stories, dialogs, and add to our ideas or shape them in a structured format. You need to like to create a story and bring characters to life. Character development is our bread and butter. You need to be able to work in a team and accept that not all your ideas will be possible to implement, still suggest as many as you can. Your English is perfect and you write clear stories and you can proofread the work of others. You would join our regular discussions where we are brainstorming the story for the next releases. You have a good and lewd imagination. You can create sexy scenes and you are ok with the broad scope of Fetishes. You are not afraid of work and are willing to help us to have success!
It is a paid position so please come with a number in mind what you want to earn to be able to work with us on a regular basis.

- Perfect English
- Can write stories and games with story branching
- Can write sex scenes
- Can talk at the meetings (need to have a good mic and place where you can talk)
- Can work as a team member

- [20.06.2022] Reopened since we are looking for more people. Please contact me on Discord.
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Sep 14, 2017
I can do that. If you send me the material and the synopsis of the story you wan to tell and the different character sheets, I'll able to do it


May 4, 2017
Tried to contact you through Discord, but didn't work, sent you a friend request so I can contact you.


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2019
This sounds interesting. I downloaded the game and will play it now to see what you are talking about.

I am a film maker (old school), studied film and theater, have a Master in Arts and I'm quite good at "dramaturgy", story and characters development. I worked mostly as cinematographer - cameraman (but not only) for documentaries and TV features. I'm now retired since I'm 65 year old and my body can't hold anymore with my brain (it never really did, in fact).

Because I worked mostly freelance, my pension is very small so I am permanently looking for ways to earn money from home and without physical effort. Since a few years I earn my money on the Internet, in Second Life and I was just thinking to make also my own visual novels there. I have several stories in my head, mostly related to swinging, open relationships, consensual sharing, but not cheating, unless it, dramaturgicaly, has to be :)

That may or may not work because SL generates images "on the go" so the image quality would be let's say near, but not equally good compared with the quality of renders made in DAZ. And the graphic freaks would probably not accept that. But DAZ is not something I could have studied in the 70' lol so i can't work with that. Not to mention that I am not a coder..

While I'm still thinking about taking this risk on my own, in SL, the idea of a cooperation with a good and quite established team is very tempting. Not only for your present project but maybe also for .. my projects :)

I am not a native English speaker but apart from not feeling exactly where a double consonant is needed (but that's fixed as I write by spelling programs, even here) , I can usually correct most of the texts written by native English speakers. There is no confusion in my brain between "there" and "their" or between "here" and "hear" and "her" and even "hair" as it is the case by most native English speakers who went to school only because they had to..

And by no means will I ever put a question mark after an affirmative sentence! That seems to also be a very spread "trend" of a certain generation, to which I fortunately don't belong :) So no, you will never see a sentence like "Come here?" written by me :)

So I would say let's keep in touch if you are interested and I will be back here after I play your game.

PS: Discord is also a trend of a certain generation which is not mine. I can however work with it, but in my opinion Skype would be better. There we can also share screens and SEE things..

PS2: this spellchecker here seems to have a problem with the word "dramaturgy" and its derivations. I added it to dictionary but it still keeps not accepting it. You can however google it and you will see that it really does exist :)


PS3: I speak also German,French and Italian. My native language is Romanian which being a romanic (latin based) language may explain why other romanic languages are not a problem for me :).

-Mein Deutsch ist gut aber "nach Gehör" (ich lebe hier seit 30 Jahren) also Deutsch sprechen ist OK, schreiben aber würde ich vermeiden weil ich die Schule nicht in Deutschland und nicht auf Deutsch gemacht habe.
-Mon francais est come ci come ca mais je comprends tout. ( j'aie apris francais pendant 8 anee en ecole mais ca c'etait il y a.. 50 anee..)
-Capisco 90-95% Italiana e posso anche parlare abastanza bene.
-Compriendo circa 50 % Espanol pero no ablo.

PS4: I see you have also a russian version of the game which means someone there may be a rusian native speaker. I don't speak Russian but Romania is sorounded by slavic countries and by the thousands of Russian movies i've seen i developed a certain "feeling for that language also. Therefore i know the problem that native Rusian speakers have wih the articles "the" and "a". I can help with that so that you will never see in your games sentences like "Do you have the girlfriend?" :)

Now i start playing (I slept a little :) )
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Game Developer
Apr 20, 2019
Bump! Still looking! Important points for what we are looking for:
  • Experience in delivering complex and long stories
  • Teamwork spirit and ability to work with others
  • Creativity and motivations
What we offer:
  • Ability to work on one of the biggest projects on the market
  • A chance to work on the next big thing ;)


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2018
Bump! Still looking! Important points for what we are looking for:
  • Experience in delivering complex and long stories
  • Teamwork spirit and ability to work with others
  • Creativity and motivations
What we offer:
  • Ability to work on one of the biggest projects on the market
  • A chance to work on the next big thing ;)

How does it work for your project? Do you develop scenes and dialogue needs to be written, or does someone need to write first and you'll develop the scenes after etc? Is it free form wordpad or do you have some program you use?


Game Developer
Apr 20, 2019
How does it work for your project? Do you develop scenes and dialogue needs to be written, or does someone need to write first and you'll develop the scenes after etc? Is it free form wordpad or do you have some program you use?
For details DM me on Discord.


New Member
Nov 11, 2018
Hi. i am writing you about the writer request. i worked as a tester, localizer and proofreader for Blizzard, and was also team leader for italian localization. i would be interested to work with you, and i have new ideas for adult games that can be of interest. Please let me know if you can be interested. Thanks for your time.
- I have many new ideas for adult games, ready to be developed; i'm fluent in english and italian, and i use to work for a big firm as a localization tester and as a localization team manager

Preferred method of contact:
- i would prefer initial contact to be via e-mail, at fampola68@outlook.com, or here answering this post: i would subsequently give my contacts (discord, skype, whatsapp) for work

Employment Type & Rates:
- i would accept revenue share if the developer is serious about bringing the game to completion; otherwise, depending on the work requested, we can arrange the price.

- at the start, i would like to start part time; if everything goes well, going full time would not be a problem

Additional comments:
- i'd like to realize some of my ideas of games, and to complete everyone of them. i would ideally like to work also for small developers, if they have the right mindset (end a work once it is started).
Apr 4, 2022
Hello! I am a writer, I am fluent in English and I have experience in writting sex stories as commissions. I have sent you a friend request on discord as wildest_fantasies#2358


New Member
Nov 19, 2021
Hi! I'm an experienced writer that's been writing fanfics and such, so I am confident in writing scenes within an established setting! For examples of my work please see the link:
I also sent you a friend request on discord as Axehead00#1465. I would also like to mention that I am a fluent Korean speaker, and may be able to translate the game into said language, as I am aware of the demand that certain Western erotic games hold in the Korean eroge community. Thank you!