Others - Completed - Hole Dweller [v43] [ThighHighGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Alright i have tried the game and now lets write the review what i think about it

    Grinding: I like grindy games if its actually doesn't require really that much of time, which exactly this game represents

    Pixel Art: Actually peak for the people who enjoys pixel graphic if its done correctly + its very detailed

    Gameplay: Looks simple enough to understand + Not that hard

    Minigames: Game inside of the game inside of the game? Holy the dev is cooking something with this one (By this i mean = Main game = Drill minigame = Battle minigame)

    Naughty stuff: Would be better if not that grindy (If i missed something read last words of this Review)

    The actual naughty stuff: The pixel-art at its peak how good its made

    An actual customization: You heard it, you literally can do anything with characters to the point making game a single color (If you played you know already)

    In game hints: With this one i can finally rely on game instead looking for answers

    Main game: Just collect resources and try to abuse nights to the fullest, next time challenge yourself to do it <100 nights

    Game actually very good, i've tried when its was on VERY VERY raw state and very low content to see, but now game is actually cooked and ready to be played

    Review made under 4:46 Hours
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Good gameplay, porn not so much. To be fair, at this moment could absolutely ditch the porn aspect if it wasn't required for progression to make a special "resource". The gameplay loop is simple, there's plenty to do across NG+ for a while(for a game this size), but the only thing you're going to bust here are rocks. Even with simple one-handed control scheme I found no "incentive" to stangle my snake
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has great art, lots of customization, and easy, intuitive controls. That being said, your enjoyment of it will hinge entirely on how much you like the drilling and bullethell minigames. You will be playing those two minigames over and over and over again because that's the only thing there is to do aside from fuck the random hitchhikers you pick up along the way.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I love how mouthy the characters can be, the gameplay is fun too, the only thing I really feel myself wanting, is when you come back to your.. base/driller is that it should be zoomed out all the way as like a toggle setting, so I can see everyone oh and clothes! it would be fun to find funny/skimpy clothes while drilling or have them as items for rewards or shops.. c: honestly doesnt matter its a sweet game 5/5
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, besdies DoL, this is probably the most fun game I've dumped multiple hours in with or without cheats. It's just that much fun to mess around with! While the roster size can be limiting, your options to play are not. So much customizable goodies, a boat load of sex poses/moves, and the core gameplay of drilling is actually legit fun. Which, for hentai games where the main appeal is the sex or activities that lead directly to sex, is a feat of it's own since it's strictly for resource farming/leveling up! A true gem that I was so lucky enough to dig up and I hope to see a true final version some day soon!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun and simple gameplay, just digging around the map to gain resources and also to meet more characters.

    There is a pretty good amount of customization you can do to characters which can be funny sometimes by making them really huge for no absolute reason.

    Also you can make the mc a futa soo good game overall
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    So, I've revisited this game once more, first time I played this it was a buggy mess with barely any content. So, let's break it down.

    I think it was the Doom's game developer, that said "A story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important." So, what kind of story should you expect from a porn game? Some "entity" sends you down this realm to retrieve their shard. They give you a body (so you haven't had one before?), a "caravan" (basically a drill machine with rooms, kinda like a space ship in Starbound), and a bunch of hot furry babes hidden on this island. In order to get this shard, you're supposed make a drill by collecting drill parts hidden all over island, by drilling holes. (Don't you have a drill already? So, you need a super drill for this mission?) And then drill your final hole with it and you're done... Unless you want to play NG+ and get a permanent boost of your choice. And then do it all over again.

    The gameplay loop goes as follows: go to a tile, collect resources, drill, be sexually assaulted by your teammates, do it again. The map looks like something from Dwarf Fortress or a DOS game. Some would say old-school, I'd say it's just plain, but OK. The most fun sfw thing to do is to drill. Very fast paced, simple but addictive, nicely animated, can't get enough of popping blocks and fighting enemies (by breaking blocks containing them). You can choose different characters for your party (which there are 9 in the game as of today). All of them give different bonuses and usable abilities during combat. The combat itself is something in between of an action-JRPG and Undertale. Dodge bullets as a tiny particle, and right click on anybody in your party to use their abilities. No turns, every enemy and party member attacks every few seconds. There are currently 19 enemies in the game, each enemy has a few color variations depending on their level (probably) like champion enemies in the binding of isaac.

    I guess this is weakest point of this game. Don't get me wrong, I like the variety, you have 9 characters in this game (not including yourself), and each one is basically 9+ characters on their own because of how many character pallets there are. And yeah, each one can be a male, a female, or a futa, or a male with tits (if you're into that?), you can give them bigger bellies (if you're like them big ) (I do), and a bigger booty (but it's not that visible - more on that later). My favourite part is that you can make each girl pregnant (even if they're futa!) which is a rare occurance in adult games these days. That includes your character as well. And all of it is optional! You can turn yourself and them into males, into regular females and futas any time you want by using certain items (which are totally free to use). So, you can customize your caravan into your fantasy any way you want. Each character has although short but unique dialogues, which unlock when you fill their respective LOVE meters. You can do that by going to town with them or by giving them their favourite foods. You also unlock poses this way, so it might take some time before you can get double penetrated and filled to the brim but it's worth it. My main issue, is that the character models are too low res. Some pixel games like Happy Heart Hell have some decent pixel art, I can see why some would say that this art style has less potential for details, but in my opinion pixel art allows some room for imagination, which plays really great in porn. But even that has some limits, and I think Hole Dweller threads on this line, where the pixels are so big, you can barely make out the shape, let alone their private parts. The sex scenes most of the time look like sex scenes in action movies, where you can see that they both are banging each other, but you can't see any details. Imaging banging two plushies together and looking at that from way far away, that's how sex looks in this game all the time. X-rays definitely help, but overall it leaves a lot to be desired.

    I haven't encountered any major game breaking bugs. I'll list some of the minor ones, but they didn't affect my gameplay negatively. I've noticed, that when you have characters in 100% heat, you can see the steam coming from them during the "shoot 'em up" segment. I've only seen this once, but when you die during a battle, but manage to kill all your enemies slightly before, you can go on drilling for a tiny bit. Sometimes, if you manage to blow up two TNTs next to an enemy tile, you'll kill two out of three enemies at the start of battle. If your partner has low tech, you can fuck them for a VERY long time, I left the swamp lizard railing me for like 20 mins once (I know you can skip the scene by holding spacebar, but I wanted to push the game limits) and when you're done, they will be cumming for like 5 mins afterwards, my game lagged hard one time when I did this, and I had to restart. Sometimes the game has some damn hard time processing enemy bullets, certain enemies that put out a lot bring down the frames to like 5-10 FPS, I know the problem isn't my rig, it can handle Battlefield 1 at ultra lol. One workaround for that is to use Kinwa's active ability. Maybe I had the game open for too long? Don't know.

    Besides art, there are a few things that I think will make the game a little bit better, so I'll list them there. If it's not in the game already, it should have the option to bulk buy items, like 10 or 100 at a time by holding CTRL and or SHIFT or something like that. Would be much more convenient, than just holding LMB. Also, I would like to see which tiles give what resources, I know it's obvious from just playing the game, but it would be nice when you hover your mouse over the tile and see "huh, so that's where the frozen wood is". And also, see how many resources does a drill and or village gives each turn. Just to give the game some depth, I know this info is kinda useless. Also, when you give somebody an xp potion, I want to see what level they are currently while I'm holding it. It's a bit annoying when you forget, right click, click squad and see "uhh, what level is she again? oh. right". Same with ice cubes, I don't see how much I've lowered their heat until I've unequipped the ice cube and hover over them. I know I'm cherry picking, but as they say the devil is in the details, and polish like that really gives games some quality.

    Overall, well worth playing. If you're looking for a quickie, maybe it's not the option for you, since you need to play for a little while, gather girls and open poses, but for what it is, it's quite decent. It's currently TBD on steam, go wishlist it (I did). When it comes out on steam, I'll buy it and do all the achievements all over again. Maybe I'm not exactly rock hard for this, but it's good, fun and I appreciate the dev's effort.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    two main things justifies my rating of this game, one is that art is worse than bad, everything seemed to be in a very primary version and the second one is gameplay is repetitive if you play a bit. the only good thing is there are futa furrys
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    So, we'll start with the good things, and then the bad things, and finally the things that could use improvement.

    - The game overall has a very charming feel to it, with the pixelated style suiting the background very nicely.
    - The drill mechanic is genuinely an interesting concept i don't think i've seen done in a sex game before, and it can be a pretty fun little mechanic too. Kind of like fishing in RPGs, something to do that you could find relaxing.
    - the variety of skins and behaviours for each of the girls is something i didn't expect, but i'm happy with what i got out of them.

    now the cons:
    - Goal. what goal? aside from some 'use the drill to get materials' and occasionally building new places to add to your moving...fort...thing...i'm working towards nothing in particular, and after a certain point you realise just how easy it is to get everything and stop trying.
    - the girls. there's about eight if i remember rightly, and each has a different attitude. but eight? eight is nothing, i can collect all the girl in about fifteen minutes. and the pixel style really doesn't lend itself towards the girls' aesthetics. the kobold, shark lady, and the rabbit can really only be told apart by their colouring
    -i'll be honest; aside from the collection of the girls and the drill? this game has no direction at all. you just...roam around, collect the girls, sex them up a few times until you realise it goes nowhere afterwards, and then...what? collect resources? by that point you have no need of resources.

    - the girls. there should be more of them, at least twelve. this is a sexy 'collect them all' kind of game, right? there should be more than about eight people for me to collect them. twelve minimum would make things a little bit more bearable.
    - the sex. quite frankly, i wouldn't know sex was occuring if i didn't remember just what position i had pressed and the neat little 'x-ray' thing you can get. but even then i would suggest a little bit of changing to the pixelated style of the characters so we can tell what's happening. nothing drastic, just a touch-up.
    - the MC. what the fuck is wrong with the MC? it looks like frisk from undertale dove into a vat of 'smurf juice'. the mc needs to stand out, true, but painting them bright blue is not the way to do it. and while i'm on this, give us more customisation options for our mc; chest and dick size can all be changed with items, so why not hair style, body size, body height, etcetera?
    - give pregnancy more of a meaning than some admittedly funny scene of a woman squatting and shooting out babies like an air cannon shoots towels. maybe give each girl a special child each that can grow up, or a line of dialogue where a girl notes how many kids you've had with her, or something.
    - give meaning to milking the girls. right now it just seems like a scene that does nothing. i'm sure there's a thing it does, but i got through the whole game and collected everything and everyone without milking a single one of the girls. that's a problem.

    so, overall, the game's great, but it's flawed and i'm kind of upset at how few people actually see that. it's a fun collectathon, but there's really nothing much to it after about an hour of play.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Just an amazing game!
    I rarely play pixel games, but I just fell in love with this one!
    Huge freedom of action, a lot of characters (but I want even more!)), you can change them the way you want!
    Just amazing!
    I look forward to every update!
    I wish the developer good luck and all the best;)
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    A game of rare quality. Strong gameplay loop, strong art style with decent animation quality, lots of customization options, and generally satisfying to play (on a number of levels). Gets semi-frequent and substantial updates even after years in development

    What has to be mentioned though is the bugs. I've had my eye on this game for probably the last 30 or so versions and most of the time I've downloaded the latest version there's been at least one bug that substantially interferes with the game. The bugs usually get fixed, but the fixes always come batched in with the next version which usually has bugs of its own. So getting to play a version of this game where everything important is working as intended is a rare treat unfortunately.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A small game with some passion put into it. I am finally writing a review now that I noticed the humanized portraits were added in. It's entertaining, has a fun gameplay loop, and moves at a fast pace. You can spend quite a while drilling the girls, drilling the land, customizing, and unlocking things at your leisure. I've played a while before and that much hasn't changed. It's a fun game. It's often updated. It's unique.

    As for some criticisms of the game, I would say that currently it feels a little aimless I suppose. Progression is a little wild right now and there's little structure beyond finding a girl, giving her 100 of her favorite food, and running through the same sex poses all of them have. Which kind of ruins any attachment to the girls in my opinion. They end up mostly seeming the same outside some small dialogue and their technique. I think it'd do well to expand on each one a bit more with unique events to help separate them from one another.
    Another thing would be the intrusive combat. As it stands I try to avoid it as much as possible because it interrupts the flow of drilling and is generally not worth doing. It should either be a seperate entity from drilling or something that only happens at the end of each successful drilling operation. You can capture monsters and increase stats but honestly right now the effect seems minuscule compared to plain ol' leveling up. It causes a jarring shift in the gameplay and often makes me forget where I was in the drilling which leads to me running into tnt/spikes right after the battle finishes.

    Overall, great game though. I would recommend playing.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Scratches itches all too rare to find in one game. Inflation pregnancy massive throbbing cvmshots--you name it. One of the biggest tells for me in any hentai of any variety is the attention paid to the male climax. A good climax should throb on and on and on, not like a lot of the single-tsunami spurts plaguing so much of hentai. Also your cock keeps growing and reaching deeper as the character's excitement grows. This much attention to kinky little details truly is a form of art, and I hope ThighHigh keeps leaning into that.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Hole Dweller is a great quality game, with an active developer who doesn't have a stick up the behind like many others and brimming with charm and style. I'm curious to see what more will be added to the game.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Already a very solid game with nice SFW mechanics and plenty of NSFW interactions. If you have an hour to waste and like pixel art, this is a good choice.

    The SFW side of gameplay consists of several simple systems that work nicely together. I didn't expect drilling a hole in the ground to be so entertaining, but the arcade-ness of it kept me engaged for a while. The combat system is also interesting, though I think it needs some polish as enemies can sometimes be both spongy and harmless.

    The NSFW side of gameplay is on easy/playtest mode for now, as it is very easy to max out characters. Still, I like the amount of characters and how customizable they are, and the different personalities add some uniqueness to the sex animations that are same for everyone.

    I've done a couple of playthroughs and I had a lot of fun. In retrospect, there were moments where nothing happened for too long and some minor character interactions or events would've helped with that, but hey, the fact that I think about it now and not while playing the game is already a good sign.

    Definitely a game I'll keep an eye on.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    A ok game with not so good sex animations.

    This Review is from v28.

    The gameplay is interesting, but it lacks some sort of real goal. The goal seems to unlock stuff for your girls, but they are very easy to get, so the motivation is very short. Then I was motivated to find more girls, but there are just 4 so thats also done. Its a bit boring I have to say. And the sex animations are not good enough to keep me playing. If there wasnt a second animation showing that Iam penetrating her I would not know it. The pixel style is just not good with providing good views or even a detailed view. If you would pick some sex positions and show them to someone without reading what its supposed to be I bet they would not know whats going on.

    -Sex Animations quality
    -Lack of a goal or motivation
    -Empty world

    +The drill mechanic and combat are interesting.
    +Awsome customization and skins for the girls
    +Interesting personalities of the girls

    I will delete it for now and check it out again when its completed. If it stays like this than its just not my cup of tea.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    i've been playing this game since it came out. I know how it looked like barebones, and im happy to say that it has improved quite nicely thanks to all the new content added.

    Id love to give this game 5 stars, but i rarely do that for any game, and this game i think has still some ways to go until it becomes a 5 star. Primarily due to not enough content simply put. The game is good, but 40-60 minutes of playtime is just not enough i'd say. There has to be more stuff to do.

    I must give props when props is due, and the dev making polls for the community regarding what it wants added in the game is a very nice thing, it does deserve praise. Overall its a game thats going to be 5/5 if enough content is added
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly a good game! A hidden gem ngl. Solid gameplay and its something different than your normal game. Combat tho quirky it seems fun once u learn how to fight. Def reccommended to at least try it.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome! Despite being a short game, I had a good time. I loved the lines and interactions of the characters, they have a lot of personality and are very distinct from each other. However, it would be nice if the map were a little less empty and progression could be a little more difficult, as everything unlocks pretty quickly and doesn't give a glorious feeling of achievement.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is going places.
    Dev working on it, it has a big potential.
    Many girls, they look similar, but there a ton of interections, even between them, not only the Player.
    Good if I could see more updates in the future.