Unity - HoleHouse [v0.1.79 Patreon] [DotArt]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Buggy animations and the voices for the women all sound like they were done by a man. When you do certain actions it just straight up breaks animations and clothing. Maybe with a lot of work put in this will turn out good. As of now I wouldn't recommend it. Needs more poses and actions as well.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This trash game has a paywall. The Dev is placing more effort into monetizing this broken crap, than to actually put out a decent product.

    Here's an idea...you have hundreds of characters you can use. Have your vanilla release just be 5-6 characters. Hash out all your bugs and make a playable product, then use patreon as a means to buy different characters.

    Using the same animations and bodies but with a slight change is boring.

    Hard Pass
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    First and foremost, the ui is extremely inconsistent, or unresponsive at times. Clicking many times on what seems to be the next option, only for you to start clicking elsewhere and for it to randomly work again. The phone ui is opaque at best, with some buttons having no function, either due to bugs or due to them not actually doing things. Some interactable objects just leave you wondering if they are actually supposed to do something, which they may or may not. It felt like I was playing a poorly designed point and click adventure game.

    Artwork and erotic content is good, and there is definitely variety to the content to a decent level. As for unlocking that content you basicallygo through a checklist of actions for each character to unlock stuff for other characters. Not horrible thus far, but extremely tedious.

    I tried to like it, but the opaque nature of what you are doing or why you are doing things, as well as it being so disjointed just made me give up after a bit.

    Long story short, good artwork for the scenes themselves, horrible, opaque and disjointed gameplay.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I can't give it a positive rating.

    Aside from the game being hidden behind a paywall, there are more annoying things:

    1. The UI when engaging in H is abysmal, make one miss click and you can navigate to multiple submenus again
    2. The voice actresses of multiple characters are inconsistent eg. Samus has a high pitched voice actress in one of her scenes and the voice actress suddenly becomes a whale in another
    3. Is there even progression?????????? What are you supposed to do? I know that you can progress characters but what about the "holehouse" itself? I can click on random things and they disappear but what is the point and what is the progression? (you cant keep track of your progression afaik)
    4. Did I mention the art?
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    a shameless cash grab with a horrendous lack of quality content it feels like half of this game was put together in ms paint

    i don't normally give negative reviews but this is one of those rare exceptions
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Minimum Effort, Maximum paywall, not nearly enough content provided to warrant the level of monetization. Should focus on adding to, or polishing existing content as priority. Art is decent enough as it currently is.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Extremely paywalled and bugged. Clearly the dev doesn't care about fixing anything they just want to get as many supporters as possible with minimal work. The art is okay but a little meh the quests are just clicking through text.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Simple game. Simple animation. I wish there would be some kind of the story but I guess that is not expected in such kind of games. Have a try, there should also be some new characters soon. I would also suggest to have different environments. that would make a better touch for your game. Thank you!
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Version on review: V0.1.1

    I played during V0.0.95 and it was much better then in this version a lot of content that was not paywalled now is pretty ridiculous tbh if you have the previous version don't bother updating none of the UI has been improved although the art for the office does seem better now Samsung's moans sound like they were made by a male the quest line is still janky I don't think the dev is interested in fixing those things I think they're more focused on just adding more girls to the paywall if anyone has the current version please leak it. Had the dev taken what many comments and reviews were saying to heart and tried to fix or improve the UI and other issue points I would of considered supporting them but I will not be now.
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1758197

    In version .85: Velma's clothes glitch out when you purchase them. It shows a blank screen when you back out. Afterwards not only did she not get the clothes, but you have to purchase them all over again; however, she will be wearing the last thing you bought for her. The 'choose next character' sign is in the MOST annoying place ever, because you can't back out of some of the selections due to your sign blocking the 'back' option; furthermore, it blocks the view of the 'shorts' selection of the characters. Why pay in game money for 'shorts' if you can't even see your characters wearing them? Not to mention that they don't wear the clothes you just bought for them in their respective sex scenes. The right thigh never disappears when you click for them to, and I can't turn off the balls on some of the characters - Samus being one of them. Last thing I'll post is that the dick gets tiny when you shift to anal. That's not a perspective thing, that a getting shot with a shrink ray type of deal. I don't feel like this game doesn't have its merits, and I can definitely see the potential; but I don't feel like its clean enough for an initial release, let alone being a subsequent one. If your buttons don't work/do what their supposed to do, your just asking to get bad reviews and unhappy Patreon members.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Messy art, tedious gameplay, lack of content, and an awful UI. Loads of grinding to get to the little drips of content and it doesnt even run in the background. Maybe it will be decent in a year or so but for now its not worth the 100 megabytes it takes up