I'm not sure what term you would prefer - the characters aren't futanari and they're not going through any kind of transition so I don't think futa or trans would apply. From the little we know of the plot, "bees" are basically created to be sexually subservient feminine males. I guess we could call them crossdressers? But 'trap' already means a convincingly feminine crossdresser. I guess some people prefer to say 'femboy' but I'm not sure that's any different from trap or sissy.
Well, that's a way more complex discussion than anything people on this site will be able to put up with without trashing it, from my personnal experience. But basically, what's in their pants doesn't matter much so long as they, themselves, identify as "she/her".
Their not futas since they aren't herms (lack of biologically female genitalia), but they aren't typical males either. They're closer to the "usual" image of a trap, but not that close from the image of trans (since it would usually imply budding breasts and/or a potential continued transition towards another gender).
So you're not off by being confused. The best guess is probably to either see what the dev has to say, or wait until enough of the game wolrd's lore is revealed about their origine.
As a 100% straight male I find the implication that the characters in this game are anything but females with a feminine dick very offensive.
It also is clearly wrong since this thread does not have a [gay] tag.
I don't at all mean that as anything agressive or sarcastic, merely a question out of curiousity, but...
... if you identify yourself as a 100% straight male, why are you on this thread since the game is way out of typical 100% straight males confort zone ?