
Jun 24, 2019
[BR] Better Repack R4.png

If you have trouble starting the game, start the game once through the launcher (InitSetting.exe), this will check for errors and fix them as well before starting the game.

You can update the sideloader modpack (clothing mods etc) from the launcher. Just press the icon in the lower left corner of the launcher with the arrow to check for updates. I'm updating that more often than the main pack, so should get some updates there every so often ;)

This is the readme for the pack, detailing the contents:​

Release 4 // 08.08.2020

No donations // no ad-maze // no upfront payment
If you paid for this, you were scammed!
If you like the game, please buy it!
If you enjoy the mods, please consider donating to the modders on patreon where possible.

This pack is made with a up2date base game as of 17.01.2019, along with the components listed in credits, all up2date as of the release date of this pack. Some extras have been included, but are either easily removable or are sorted into folders marked [OPTIONAL]. Enjoy!

To add shortcuts to your desktop of the launcher and the most important folders for the game, feel free to run '[BR] Create Desktop Icons.bat'.

If you have trouble starting the game, start the game once through the launcher (InitSetting.exe), this will check for errors and fix them as well before starting the game.

I don't recommend just extracting this over another repack, due to potential conflicts. Please extract this to its own folder and move over your chara, cap, studio and save folders.

If you wish to convert this pack into a vanilla pack, there is a included script named '[BR] Vanillify the game.bat' that gives you the following options:
 1. Remove only translation, leaving the rest of the mods intact
 2. Remove all BetterRapack Extras
 4. Remove all BetterRepack Extras, mods and translation
Feel free to use this script to customize your install, but keep in mind that using this may make the game incompatible with future repack updates, requiring you to download the next repack in full!

Feel free to DM me on discord (ScrewThisNoise#3544) with the card(s) and/or scene(s), and I'll see what I can do for the next release. (See community links for server link)

[B]What is included in the base game?[/B]
- Base release game
- All preorder extras
- Newest official update as of 07.08
- Premium Miko DLC
- Premium Succubus DLC2
- Premium Sister DLC

[B]Updated in release 4 (this release):[/B]
- Applied honey2_03_vr
- Applied honey2_01_plus_0807F9Vc_all
- Updated BepInEx to v5.3
- Updated BepInEx.MuteInBackground to v1.1
- Updated HS2_BepisPlugins to R15.3.2
- Updated IllusionFixes HS2 to v14.0
- Updated IllusionLaunchers to v2.1.0
- Updated XUnity.AutoTranslator to v4.12.0
- Updated 2155X's HS2_HLightControl to v1.2.2
- Updated 2155X's HS2_UnlockPlayerHClothes to v1.4.2
- Updated DeathWeasel's HS2_MaleJuice to v1.2.2
- Updated DeathWeasel's HS2_MaterialEditor to v2.1.2
- Updated DeathWeasel's HS2_Subtitles to v2.0
- Updated DeathWeasel's HS2_StudioSceneSettings to v1.2
- Updated enimaroah's SB3U to v20.5.2
- Updated GeBo's HS2_GeBoCommon to v1.0.1
- Updated GeBo's HS2_TranslationCacheCleaner to v0.5.3
- Updated GeBo's HS2_TranslationHelper to v0.9.2
- Updated Marco's HS2API to v1.13
- Updated Marco's KKManager to v0.13.0
- Updated Marco's RuntimeUnityEditor to v2.1.1
- Updated Mikke's Beaver to 20200712
- Updated Mikke's GravureHS2 to 20200712
- Updated Mikke's PushUpPlugin for HoneySelect2 to v2.1
- Updated Mikke's Straight 2 Maker to 20200708
- Updated Unknown's HS2_VMDPlayPlugin to v0.2.4
- Added BepInEx.EnableFullScreenToggle v1.0
- Added BepInEx.EnableResize v1.5
- Added BepInEx.InputHotkeyBlock v1.3
- Added 2155X's HS2_ExtraGroups v1.0.1
- Added 2155X's HS2_FuckThe50Check v1.0.0
- Added 2155X's HS2_MakerSearch v1.1.1
- Added Animal42069's HS2_BetterPenetration
- Added DeathWeasel's HS2_MakerDefaults v1.0
- Added DeathWeasel's HS2_StudioCustomMasking v1.0
- Added Hooh's HS2_Hooah
- Added Unknown's MMDD v1.0
[applied SpockBauru's HS2 Translations v0.4.1 (bugfix)]

These are locations where either I distribute new packs and updates, or partner-sites and services do so.
- [url][/url]

- [url][/url]

- [url][/url]
- [url][/url]

Discord Fan-Server
- [url][/url]

- [url][/url]

2155X's AI_LightSettings
- [url][/url]

connector_jp's DHH
connector_jp's DHH MadWorld
- No link, see discord

DeathWeasel's AI_InputHotkeyBlock
DeathWeasel's MaterialEditor
DeathWeasel's Subtitles
- [url][/url]

Enimaroah's SB3Utility
- [url][/url]

Hooh's Heelz

Marco's AI_BetterAA
Marco's AI_Screencap
Marco's AIABMX
Marco's AIAPI
Marco's FPS Counter
Marco's MessageCenter
Marco's RuntimeUnityEditor
- [url][/url]

Mikke's PushUpPlugin for AI-Shoujo
- No link, see discord

STN's English Launcher
STN's Sideloader Modpack
- [url][/url]

Misc (Collabs etc):
AIGirlFixes ([url][/url])
BepisPlugins ([url][/url])
There are two download options, Full for newcomers, Update for people that already have my previous packs (So they don't have to download all of it over again). If you experience ANY problem after using the update pack, please use the full pack before reporting any problems.

Share this pack as you want, re-host it or whatever.. All credit goes to the modders actually making this possible
Feel free to tell me if you reupload the pack anywhere else! :)

I'd very much appreciate it if you would all think about supporting me on patreon, but keep in mind that I won't paywall my packs, this is just for supporting me making my packs better :)


As some of you have noticed, downloading content from the in-game downloader is quite the unstable experience. In order to offer multiple venues to aquire cards, I've acquired all available scene and card content on the official uploader (normaly only available from Japanese IPs) so that you may grab some of that content if you desire ;)



Oct 2, 2017
Please help, I still got stuck. I didn't do anything else other than downloading R4, unpack, then enter through inisetting.

Thank you in advance for any help!


New Member
Aug 9, 2020
Unity Log] Material doesn't have a texture property '_MainTex' any one have a bug fix link. i try to find it on commend section but got nothing.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Is there a way to enable all sex position during a regular H scene?
No, some are dedicated to a specific status, such as the forced positions, literally says forced in the name, being unlocked by hate. Also, those positions will lock back up if she stops hating you. There is no way to have all positions at all times.

is there a mod to change or upscale dick size ?
No because it would mess up the animations.
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Reactions: Lucifer84


New Member
Jul 11, 2017

Just copy and paste the whole thing

2nd. Execute KKmanager.exe and click Look for updates, this is one method to update it manually. Other is IniSettings.exe in your game folder and click update, do the same because use this program to update.

I've just finished downloading the updates, took 5GB though....
it is still not updating i have extracted the files in KKManager 13.0 into the utility folder but it is still showing the same error
Dec 18, 2018

I manage to find a mod provided by Animal42069, in the README file, it mentions the way to install by copying dll file into Plugins, but all that can be download seems to be some kind of SOURCE CODE. Can anyone show me the way to install this ?


New Member
Dec 29, 2019
Just a reminder guys, the updater "BetterRepack HoneySelect2 (R3.1 to R4 update).exe" just works if you have the real BetterRepack R3.1, not the R3 Hotfix 1. To see which version you have go to initsetting.exe and look in the bottom right.
If I have R3 Hotfix do I update to R4? What do I need to download?


Engaged Member
Sep 3, 2018
such a huge game and it still suffer from same problem like the games did 10 years ago, like the dick goes outside the bodies, like through their belly or back or head etc.....
It is like the models does not have any forced one girl missionary he put it in through the girls belly :p another girl sat too forward while riding, leaving the dick in the open etc :p

you would think such a famous and big game had fix these things when we have these smaller games that does it perfect


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2018
such a huge game and it still suffer from same problem like the games did 10 years ago, like the dick goes outside the bodies, like through their belly or back or head etc.....
It is like the models does not have any forced one girl missionary he put it in through the girls belly :p another girl sat too forward while riding, leaving the dick in the open etc :p

you would think such a famous and big game had fix these things when we have these smaller games that does it perfect
mines working ok maybe its just you
3.90 star(s) 59 Votes