VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Honeymoon Quest [v1.01] [ObscureWhistle]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    'Demo' shows a lot of quality and promise, though I'd more consider it a first release as its got a lot of content. This might grow into a gem one day, if it survives.

    So far its cute, cuddly and fun. I see a lot of work going into it with the V-O for those that like that (I dont) it already has background audio which is leagues beyond what a lot of other similar games here has. Music doesnt have that cringe feeling I get on some of the tracks I hear so thats already a big plus.

    Some problems are the inability to turn off specific audios (its either all sound/voice/etc & music on 2 different channels). The green color skin is a turnoff, one of these specific greens makes me feel sick. The art is 'patchwork' or clearly different styles/artists, but all of it is of fair quality.

    Considering its a first release & demo I give it a 5 even with the negatives a lot are personal preference and all the positives it has from touching bases that other good games don't.

    I'd love to see its future, provided it survives. Concerned it doesnt get enough attention with the name being a bit generic & main female model being a bit... its not reserved, but... gobliny-ratgirlish? That seems the closest to the thought with her appearing a bit childish in appearance and the green skin.

    It currently lands around the wholesome territory. Though future updates might shift this.