Unity - Abandoned - Horny Girls [Demo] [IlluminatiGames]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Demo 3/20/21
    Because the developer literally responded to my review and made game changes, I wanted to update my review rather than delete it (was a 1). It shows how important play testing is, and how just a little tweaking can turn a miss back into a good game. By just ratcheting down the difficulty level a bit, it changes the dynamic a great deal.

    I still suggest losing only the current progress rather than resetting. to the beginning. Nobody want to repeat themselves. If you are going to force people to replay, it's up to you to make those replays worthwhile. Also, you might want to allow the user to progress on just the puzzles, and skip the hentai.

    I guess I now have to keep an eye on this one :sneaky:

    Original Review:
    Even for free, this is a waste of download. Minigame might as well be a random generator looking for a needle in a haystack. More frustrating than challenging, and definitely not relaxing in the spirit of a casual game. Much better ways of getting a twitch fix.

    Game consists of two parts: A puzzle game to unlock the tame drawing and a targeting game to strip her in multiple steps.

    Puzzle game is interesting enough. It's not just a mindless mix-and-match, but some creative use of lines to require a little attention to the puzzling. It is forgiving enough that I didn't see any penalty for just clicking around.

    The targeting minigame on the other hand...

    Initially, I thought it was interesting and added a little pep to the typically casual fare. From a fixed point on the screen, you have to target a moving disc that resizes and spins. When you hit it with an arrow, that arrow now becomes an obstacle to the target. Fair enough. Until a couple levels later when the target is wildly darting around the screen becoming very difficult to hit without hitting a previous arrow. It becomes unrelaxing when you realize how unforgiving it is as well. Not only do you have to progress through three stages, but if you fail a stage, you have to go back to the beginning. And it only takes a few misses to blow a stage. Even worse, don't place the arrows in the right place, and you've made the target nearly unbeatable. With no mechanic for recovery.

    Want to skip the targeting game and the hentai and just play the puzzles? Nope. Can't unlock the next girl without beating the stupid target game.

    Way easy to fail + failure has steep penalty = no fun. Uninstalled.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    hello guys this review is for v0.8 Beta
    i played this game for about 15 minute and end that 3 picture
    and this is my review for this game :)
    i hope you like it

    art of girls is so good and sexy
    music is good and its not boring
    gallery system is nice
    clothes design is nice

    style of setting page is so bad
    style of menu btns is so bad
    puzzle system is too short and so simple and its dont have any challenging thinks
    remove clothes in dart system is so fast and it can be much longer
    gallery dont have take photo btn for take photo
    gallery dont have any customizing system like change clothes color or add pic border and ....

    guys this was my review , thx for reading
    i rate this game right now 6/10
    i hope developer work hard for this game and make this game better
    i may change my rate of this game later with another review if i see some Development
    i think this is a start for this game and this game can be so better in future
    thanks again for reading this ( sorry for bad english :))
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A very quick but enjoyable game. There isn't much content since it hasn't been released long, but I think it has a lot of promise. It would be great if in a future update, there's little animations of the characters moving at the end of each puzzle, making it more vivid, instead of a picture.