Unity - Abandoned - Horny Henry [v0.01] [Horny Henry]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A game that got away. Great concept. It's a shame this is abandoned.

    Let me tell you about this game, the one that could've been freakin' amazing but ended up in the trash bin of abandoned dreams. It started with so much hype – a killer concept, a mind-blowing world, and game mechanics that could've set a new standard. Everyone was stoked, thinking it'd be the next big thing in gaming.

    But, you know, life happens, and so does the gaming industry drama. Maybe the devs ran out of cash, had some epic internal battles, or just lost their way. Whatever it was, the game got dumped, and it hit hard. The community was left hanging, wondering what could've been, and that's a bitter pill to swallow.

    The worst part? The bits and pieces of the game that did see daylight were like a tease, showing us the potential masterpiece that slipped through our fingers. It's like getting a taste of the most delicious dessert ever and then having it yanked away before you can devour the whole thing.

    So, here we are, nursing a collective gamer heartbreak, reminded that not all great ideas make it to the finish line. It's a bummer, no doubt. That game had the potential to be a legend, but now it's just another story of what could've been, forever lost in the gaming abyss.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Version 0.01

    i know it have been abandoned for years now however...
    it´s a great game concept, that i really wish some dev would have picked up on.
    According to some posts in the forum by the dev the game have been updated more then once. So this current version should have been more like 0.03 or something, it's mainly bug fixes though. However it's listed as a 0.01 version everywhere.
    i think the dev never got enough Patrons to continue and therefor stopped.
    Pretty sure that it would have been more easy for him today with the increased traffic on F95 through the years, i would have supported him.

    i hope the dev comes back or releases the source code for others as a template or maybe a new dev will make something similar.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I don't think there is enough content right now, and sometimes it can be a little hard to know what you have to do.

    I'd love to see this game getting more support because of its genre 3D free roaming
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the best game i have played so far. Idea is perfect and it so fun to play. This game has endless possibilities if it gets updated and i wish that this game would get more credit because it deserves it.
    Likes: 80773
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Good Game Played it myself There is Not much content but I loved it İf Someone is Waiting to try dont wait Try now because you can Select Levels You can Play Which Level You want You dont need to start Again There is Few Broken animations Game is still on Alpha version
    Likes: 80773
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Newbie here, but great game/great concept so far not alot of content but its a fun time killer with a few sexy scenes. The only flaws are, yes it would be nice to be able to save but you dont really need to do that much to warrant one imo. Also there is also small glitch if you running into the bushes outside your house you get stuck and have to restart. Other than that good work :)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for 0.01 - Alpha -(Subject to change)
    New , refreshing and different from the rest
    Lots of bugs but easily forgivable if you notice the amount of details included and that this is done by a single person.
    I would love to see more and support this guy.
    He is also active on the forum which is a big plus
    Likes: 80773