Wait what I thought there was only a herobrine scene with the cow and enderman, there is a scene with the creeper? Does anyone have an updated guide on the herobrine route?
It's at the fishing location (Dunno if there is a time when it's there, just try all 3). Click on a sign there, it'll show a riddle.
The answer to the riddle by clicking on the red torches in these location is Mining location morning -> Forest Night -> Swamps afternoon in that order.
After you do that visit creeper at night and the following herobrine scenes will play. Warning like the previous ones it has gore.
I followed the Herobrine guide up to the door puzzle, and doing it in the order it says to do doesn't do anything. I don't get sent to the main menu like I'm supposed to, I just stay in the game. Don't know if it's an error with this update or what.
You need to go to other locations to trigger herobrine jumpscares after doing the puzzle. Dunno what locations, just go to every one.
For the endergirl scene and the one after it
Do the following
Herobrine scene next to alex's house at night torch all the way at right side. Solve Puzzle
Torch at lower section of blazes house. left side. Solve puzzle
Shows drawing of our room.
Go to endergirl.
Go to where cow used to be.
After the scene. Go to wardens area and press the torch. Solve another puzzle.
(Honestly these new herobrine horny scenes are just. Tame. Still doesn't top the BJ as they are just still images.)