VN - Unity - Completed - Hot & Lewd: Miami [Final] [Lust Desires]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    It has a somewhat trite plot but developed in the correct way, the vehicle system could be improved a lot, the fact of creating relationships with the characters like the typical "Police Dad" is quite good, although it does force the plot somewhat with the first conflict of this. The introduction is an 8.5/10. Why not a 10? Simple, the vehicles and their animations are too simple, I consider that only the vehicles should be improved in the intro and it would be completely a 10/10.

    The mix of 3D and 2D is very good, a really recommendable game, the animations of the +18 scenes are good, I would only recommend that the main character not have such a thick and inhuman member, something more normal would be appropriate.