Yeah, for every dollar you spend on the Patreon, you get one credit. It's lifetime spending, too, though I haven't paid into the Patreon yet so I don't know if the money is gone forever once you've spent it or if there's a way to sell things you've bought to get your money back.
If I'm reading things right, there's going to be a sexbot that uses the credits system for parts or something, but don't quote me on that.
Click the circles to open the menus and then choose what goes where.
Also yeah, activating Windows is cheap as hell, go find a key site and get yourself a key to activate it. Despite being legit, most cheap keys given out are either old or weird, so sometimes it'll give you a complaint about the key, but you can chat with Microsoft's support for like 10 minutes and they'll fix it.
I'm sure that's coming later, there's only two characters so far and the Trello mentions, like, 10+