RPGM - House Chores [Beta v0.19] [Siren's Domain]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Much better then expected.
    I realy love the game so far.
    No minigames or grinding.
    All 3 woman are hot.
    The only thing i dont like is the private hair.
    They older woman woud look better with some hair in my opinion.
    I will continue to watch this game with great interest.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very short game even if you repeat a few scenes. I love the artwork for all 3 ladies, and the 'scope' of it just being in your house over the summer. I will continue to watch this game with great interest, because so far I love it.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1255457

    I've been following this game since the start. Clearly I like it. I'd give it a five stars if the devs ever up the amount of content they push out once every 3 months. The product itself is worth the five stars, relatively speaking. But I digress.

    The title and the game's art conflate a rather self-explanatory vibe. Vanilla risque exhibitionism in a house full of women who want to treat you like their toy and you, the seemingly hyped up Kyle teen, are more than willing to go along with it.

    I'll continue to follow along/donate/etc.

    You can change the relationships of the people to you as well, if you'd rather skip the i-content, the dialogue lends itself to a few different directions. Maid, tutor, receptionist, etc.

    The protags history is obviously vague and there's no mention of a mother or father anywhere in the game so as far as anyone knows, you're basically the landlord.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    +modded extensively into a renpy clone.
    -missing some renpy QoL functions like fast forward & history.

    +Very good art
    +Very sexy and cute girls
    +Pure clean harem experience aimed at straight men.
    +No minigames
    +No grinding money or stats. affection rises super fast so it doesn't feel grindy.

    One of the more charming games I have played in a while. If you love harem you definitely should give this a try.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game! the pacing is perfect, not too much grind at the start to get to the hot stuff. would like more femdom vibe in it but otherwise its awesome. the art is original and great too. one thing that is missing is a hint system, sometimes its unclear how to advance the relationship with some of the characters.
    Likes: Drak3
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    A good game with potential, but it definitely has some shortcomings that holds it back from being brilliant. First that's because some of the sex scenes are in the actual VN map background. This means that instead of being presented as a full cutscene-like sex animation, sometimes the characters just have sex in the VN surrounding where you click around. This felt less rewarding to me since they're far away and you barely can see details.

    Secondly, the sex scenes themselves while good looking, are pretty basic animated. I feel like they could do more it. I am also missing to see things drawn out besides the main sex scenes.

    It's usually just some text followed by going instantly into the sex scene. I would like to see things in the daily life: Little touches here and there, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose, more "natural" happenings if you will. Especially those fun moments when someone is naked by accident but something silly happens and they have to stay longer like that together, you know, these littel events besides "hey, let's fuck!" - "ok!" *sex scene*.

    I also would like to have all sex scenes animated, now iirc some are just frame by frame by clicking, and this game also fails at delivering cum loops like most of the games out there. But nothing beats if you can have a cumshot with an animation on loop so that the animation doesn't go back to a still picture after the cum.

    However, the potential in this game is HUGE.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I wanted to like it, but freezing every twenty seconds is just unacceptable. Even on low quality mode I literally couldn't play past the first few scenes because it would freeze before I could finish it and return to actual gameplay so I could save. The art looks great, which is why I didn't put one star.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved it.

    I know it's just another "Under the same roof incest porn game", but the dev knows what it's doing.

    -Great dialog
    -Great design
    -Decent animations
    -No usual RPGM sandbox where you waste time struggling with combat or old mechanics
    -Loved the changing clothing mechanic

    -Corruption and scenes are a bit too easy and quick to get
    -The chores are just click and done, maybe there's space for a minigame or something more, and more chores of course
    -Few locations
    Likes: Drak3
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I love the game but why the 2 *s?

    Excellent animations
    Excellent Girls , concept etc

    Game development is EXTREMELY slow. 4 years in the making ... even if you are a one person "studio" it doesn't take that long to still be in 0.12. An update with 1 scene every 4 -6 months is just ... not satisfactory

    Lots of BG still missing after 4 years

    No way to revisit first scenes

  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Ver 0.12 Beta

    To the point
    The beautifully drawn characters have personality and are likeable
    A well written story helps with the game experience
    For a H Game fun gameplay
    quite entertaining dialogues
    and several kinks as well as a option for family enthusiast

    and we are only on 0.12

    I can not wait to see the end product
    Likes: Drak3
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It is a simple game but it is also quite exciting. I really like that you can repeateadly watch pass events. The characters also has a great ascetic in my opinion. I highly recommend it it is not a long game, but is quite fun and exciting
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Not a bad game but those kind of games are pretty frustrating for me.

    Story wise it is ok, it is simple to progress, no possible mistake. Female characters are hot.

    However, there is something I would never understand. Why making on one hand hypersexualized female characters and on the other hand making underwhelming main male characters ? I mean there should be some consistency ! The dude is 5'2" (which means 160cm for normal people), for 18 years old ? Just what ? I don't have anything against small people, but in a porn game you're supposed to be some kind of alpha male who fucks around, but this is not even a normal male.
    And during sex scene, female characters are like "oh he got a huge dick" while the dick is pretty close to an average size...
    Sex scenes should also be more complexe and "wilder", because those are pretty boring.

  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I think House Chores is a good game. For now it's pretty short on content but it's enjoyable. Dialogues are nice, characters look hot. I'm not really into big mommy milkers so i liked sister scenes the most.
    Art 4/5
    Story - 3.5/5
    Gameplay 4/5
    Fapability 3.5/5
    Originality 3.5/5
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    I rate it three stars for reasons I'll explain but what's there is 4 star quality.

    This a fun two hour game right now. It doesn't beat around, no pun intended, you get shot right into the meat of the game and I think the art is better than average, I'm a big fan of the character designs.

    My complaint, besides how there's only two hours of content right now, is how quickly this escalates. Look I know I'm a sick fuck playing an incest game but there needs to be that escalation, those multiple triggers, some progression. Normally it goes, mom sees what the boy's packing over multiple encounters, the boy's a little infatuated with her, they spend a lot of time together, the boy crosses the line, she's reluctant, but also super horny ... it's played out at this point but for a good reason, it's an immersive taboo story. Here within a few minutes of the game starting you're getting a handjob from your mom because you grabbed her butt, and the sister gives you a footjob because you play one not-Dungeons and Dragons game with her. It's missing a bunch of steps and build up.

    That said, definitely worth checking out, just don't expect more than a fap session or two.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great writing, great animations, It's a visual novel so there's not too much in the way of gameplay (not sure why people bring that up in other reviews)

    It's not supposed to be a sprawling multi hour long campaign so it gets to the action quickly, which is honestly refreshing.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I've been following this game since it had released and I do like it, its a short game with some repetition but the art is good and the dialogue isn't the worst thing in the world.

    -2D game
    -Good art
    -Decent animation
    -Decent Dialogue
    -Enviroment is well drawn

    -The strylines are quite short
    -You progress with the Mom way to quickly
    -Gameplay loop can get repetitive
    -Some areas of the house are unfinished
    -Only 3 characters
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    So, I've been following this project silently since version 0.4 now that versione 0.10 is out completing the main story I think it's time to discuss about it.
    I'll split this review in 3 main sections:

    • ART
    • STORY

    Can't lie art in this game is really good i like it a lot, animation seems a little stiff sometimes but overall they are great, backgrounds are pretty simple and standard nothing really special or noticable. I would have liked more "static" arts and a few more chibi animations around the house but maybe they will add them in the future.​

    Here comes the weak part of this game, the main focus is obviously on Linda since her story has a slow and more "natural" pace than the other two girl. The real problem are obviously Julie and Emily their story is short, with ZERO build up whatsoever and with this last update the problem is really noticable. I mean our MC went from playing an RP game with Emily to fucking her in less than 3 days, ok that these character are pretty lustful but this is not an excuse. Seems like the writing has become really lazy the more the game goes on, some little tease here and there, more chatting and choices needed to go trough and get the hearth of the girls would have been much better and probably made the scenes feel like earned and enjoyable, this doesn’t necessarily means creating new art but simply adding more context into the game.​
    Gameplay is straight forward like many other VN and there is no replayability since there is no real reason (excpet when the game decides to corrupt your save files). One of the hottest topic of this game is the UI but I really don't get whats the problem about it, most people here complain about text being white and hard to read or having problem navigate around the house but I find the UI simple and clean, maybe highlighting interactable object would have been nice but I've seen far worse. Sounds are all stock except for the ones of the girls (duh) which are all original even though there is no real dub. I'd like to point out that this game has a ton of useless junk inside of it, at least 200 mega of data could have been removed​
    So at the end of the day is it worth it? Yes, yes it is, the developer has promised to create more juicy content so we will have a lot more fun in the future. If you have made it so far thanks for reading and of course I will come back and change this review if I found it necessary since the WiP nature of the game.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    House chores has finally gotten good enough to be called a game. I loved the art from the beginning years ago, the coding has finally caught up. The mom and aunt are milfs, the older sister is hot and finally does more than just complain about mc. I like they are adding more events per character multiple position or choices. I hate rpgm games but I really like house chores, its one of the few rpgms I actually reccommend. will I d/l next release? hell yeah.
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    Doctor Shark

    Originally reviewed in v0.10.1, updating for v0.18.1:

    I really enjoy this game. The plot is very thin but the art is good (and I like that the women are curvy but not impossibly curvy like Siren's other games) and the dialogue is spicy.

    Plot: You're a high-schooler on summer break. You've never been interested in much more than video games but one day, as you're playing, your [maid] starts vacuuming and gives you a peek at her underboob which causes you to experience new feelings. You start creeping on her in the shower and she finds herself unexpectedly enjoying your attention. Then her sister arrives, bringing your [roommate] home from college and the sister is basically a huge pervert and encourages the maid to go for it.
    The sister and roommate are basically just horny and notice you have a big dong. It's disappointingly standard for these types of games.

    Gameplay: Standard point and click. Navigation is all done by arrows but the house is small enough that it's not a big deal but I find the layout a little confusing when trying to remember which direction goes from the living room to the bedrooms. The relationships are all gated behind the [maid], you have to go through some of her storyline to unlock the other two but you can do those simultaneously.
    It's a pretty basic grind: every character has a hidden love stat that you raise by doing a character-specific action at various times of the day. For the maid it's dishes, her sister wants you to work out, and for the roommate you play roleplaying and videogames. You also get stat through sexy activities and it's a little unclear whether it's two separate stats you need to build or just one. The major thing (that I missed this playthrough) is that using the talk option on any character will tell you what you need to do to advance their story. You generally have multiple time blocks in which you can do actions for each character so you can rush one or work on all three simultaneously.

    Content: Since my last review, there's a lot of content for all three characters and we even have threesome action between the maid and her sister with the roommate's threesomes soon to be added. If you're an anal fan, there's none of that since it's not Siren's bag but there are plenty of other sexual activities all over the house.

    Overall, this is a really solid take on the "well-endowed shota bangs all the women who live with him" genre and it's only the lack of originality keeping it from a fifth star.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    a bit boring. nothing happens forever . very clunky interface . you have to click multiple times for something to happen. scenes are simple, hastily drawn with little imagination. if it was 1998 this game would be good but everything moved on. the name summarizes it very well. it is a chore to play this game.