how can I make the name of the characters customizable?
I predated like this:
but saving by closing the game, and then loading the save the name returns John.
I also thought of saving it in an external file. but it might work in case I have two saves with different names.
I predated like this:
but saving by closing the game, and then loading the save the name returns John.
I also thought of saving it in an external file. but it might work in case I have two saves with different names.
I predated like this:
define john = Character("John", who_color="#007f1e")
"His name is:"
$ name = ""
$ name = renpy.input("(Default: John)")
$ name = name.strip()
if name == "":
$ = "John"
$ = name
I also thought of saving it in an external file. but it might work in case I have two saves with different names.
I predated like this:
but saving by closing the game, and then loading the save the name returns John.
I also thought of saving it in an external file. but it might work in case I have two saves with different names.