How come Skyrim is still the best porn game out there?


Jan 26, 2019
"Seems I had FNIS installed in the wrong location. Been trying to use the mod organizer after all, and installed FNIS through it. It really preferred being in the skyrim directory. No wonder I got so many scripting errors! It didnt even notice any animation mods. Its fine with the creature mod and everything now. "

For FNIS (using MOD Organizer) install it like any mod as zip, it will be in the MOD Organizer "Mod" folder. Then from MOD Organizer make a new Quick lunch from within MOD Organizer and in it Binary put where you installed FNIS.

Example how:
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"Been testing out starting as a slave to experiment, and I'm still getting missing textures and the characters skeleton ignoring being locked in bondage. I can see my fingers through the body, for some reason. Think I havent installed a compatible body model and clothing for it yet, so thats probably still causing a mess. The body type I worked with in the modpack was UNP, so probably gonna have to find something compatible with that. "

Make sure you Batch Build the clothes including the devious devices pack, in Body slide, press on the "batch Build" key on the lower left corner of the bodyslide interface.

Again I highly advice you to use Mod Organizer, also as a note all my mods list are CBBE only.
Here are few picture example of my moded game:

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Sep 23, 2017
Nice! Yeah, I'm noticing some issues with bodyslide not showing the in-game textures. The body shown in the preview lacks both nipples or details. Just tried installing the All-in-One HDT textures and batch built all the clothing, but it still defaults to the HBT picked body size regardless of what I do with bodyslide, outside the game or during character creation. I'm messing up so much else that I'm probably just gonna let the mods auto-sort themselves for now. But hey, I'm learning!

Bunch more facial expressions and animations are working in-game now, mostly based on humiliation, but her arms are still refusing to stay in bondage properly. Trial and error...

EDIT: Hang on. Might be that I got bodyslide installed in both the skyrim directory and the mod organizer too. Game might not update properly reading from one place. Gonna focus that on the skyrim folders too. Really, its probably best to assume I'm forgetting something obvious, or doing something stupid at this point.

As long as it works out in the end. Lot of mods here that I really look forward to trying out, if I can only make things work properly. Sexlab Survival, Deviously cursed loot, Devious followers, ImmerSlave.... my goodness.

I understand how you could reach the limit of 254 esp now. I used to think 80 mods were a lot back when I last modded the game.
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Jan 26, 2019
Nice! Yeah, I'm noticing some issues with bodyslide not showing the in-game textures. The body shown in the preview lacks both nipples or details. Just tried installing the All-in-One HDT textures and batch built all the clothing, but it still defaults to the HBT picked body size regardless of what I do with bodyslide, outside the game or during character creation. I'm messing up so much else that I'm probably just gonna let the mods auto-sort themselves for now. But hey, I'm learning!

Bunch more facial expressions and animations are working in-game now, mostly based on humiliation, but her arms are still refusing to stay in bondage properly. Trial and error...

EDIT: Hang on. Might be that I got bodyslide installed in both the skyrim directory and the mod organizer too. Game might not update properly reading from one place. Gonna focus that on the skyrim folders too. Really, its probably best to assume I'm forgetting something obvious, or doing something stupid at this point.

As long as it works out in the end. Lot of mods here that I really look forward to trying out, if I can only make things work properly. Sexlab Survival, Deviously cursed loot, Devious followers, ImmerSlave.... my goodness.

I understand how you could reach the limit of 254 esp now. I used to think 80 mods were a lot back when I last modded the game.
A quick advice, keep the Main game Skyrim Data folder directly clean with no mods at all times, only make the SKSE folder and the Crash fix and EnchantReloadFix plugins in it with SKSE.ini (download it from nexus and modify it to your liking and PC/laptop performance).

In other words, all the mods and added stuff are in the "Mod" Folder of Mod Organizer Directory only. This way you don't have any conflict or future conflict with mods and orginal game data. And alawys run FNIS and Bodyslide from within Mod Organizer ONLY.

(Side Note: in Bodyslide press on setting in the lower right corner of your screen, and make sure you have the right "game data path" to your Actual Skyrim Game Data Folder.)

[Another Side Note: When Building body you can export body or clothes by Holding "Ctrl" then clicking "Build" you will find the builded clothes in your Mod Organizer "Overwrite" folder in the CalienteTools folder, then you can take those builded clothes/body and paste them to your races or individual NPC/Mod Mesh.]

Also take the 3 ESM (not BSA) only of Skyrim DLC and put them in mod Organizer (for me they are put in a folder called 00FX000 DLC 1 (for Dawnguard first), then 00FX000 [Fix] DLC 2 (for HearthFires), then 00FX000 [Fix] DLC 3 (for Dragonborn) so point here make sure they are in this order DG then HF then DB DLC then the unofficial legendary Patch from nexus.

Lastly make sure that MOD organizer have Administrative Privilage along with the Skyrim SKSE, skyrim and Skyrim luncher all with admin privilage (right click then propertiy then Compatibilty and check the administrative privilege box)

For the 254 mod limit, you can bypass it by merging mods like clothes and lands but personally I advice you to first Perfect your Mod list and make sure it works over a large gameplay/testing period, then make a merged patch as it is not a very straightforward process with no side effects. (And also it is about 104 Sexlab Folder with about 80~90 ESP from Sexlab, rest are all gameplay and game visual and mechanics changes with obviously clothes and weapons)


Sep 23, 2017
Okay, finally got bodyslide working earlier. I did do something stupid, but I didnt forget anything - since I never knew it in the first place.

So many mods I've installed that I lost track of which ones needed specific instructions how to use them. Had to install bodyslide with the mod manager, manually go to the data tab and find the exe file to add as an executable - run it through the organizer - and THEN it would would detect the body properly!

And yeah, checked admin privileges back when you first mentioned it.
Been looking up clothing replacers now that bodyslide seems to cooperate, and most of them seem to be fine with the body type now. Might have to tone the curves down a bit, actually. Noticing a lot of clipping. Still getting some errors with bondage gear, and Divine Elegance crashed once I entered earlier. Always something that crashes, it seems.

I haven't even gotten through half that mod list yet!
Wow. It almost feels like just dumping the files in the skyrim directory and letting the nexus manager handle it would have been easier. ...if not for the mess it would leave behind. Might just try to play it for a while now that stuff like slaverun seems to be working, and take notes on what keeps being a problem.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 18, 2018
So... yeah I was bored and this random ass thought came to mind. How come Skyrim is the best porn game without even being a porn game?

Think about it, you have some high quality character customization, can play as male or female, has gameplay that integrates the sex, you can do whatever weird shit you feel like with whatever weird shit character you feel like.

Its obviously using the appropriate mods, but really, what the fuck? If you can prove me wrong, please go right ahead, I will gladly play whichever game is better.
I don't know if it's been said yet, but the answer to your question is simple:

The "adult game" industry has always been very small from a monetary standpoint, due to the ESRB. If a game is rated anything above "M," very few stores will sell it. If you don't believe me, just look at games like Bonetown/Bonecraft. Those are "porn games" that are rated well beyond "mature" that were marketed towards the west -- and most of you, or at least 99% of your friends have never even heard of them.

For this reason, Triple A games that actually earn money can be modded into great adult/porn games. Skyrim in particular was very mod friendly, which made it really easy to turn into adult games. But if you're asking why there aren't any "Triple A games like Skyrim that are also porn games," you have your answer. Believe it or not, the porn game community, though it's grown significantly in recent times, is still very niche and therefore anyone with the power or funding to make a "good game" isn't going to restrict their income by making it a porn game. It just makes more sense to appeal to the broader market.
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Sep 23, 2017
Hey, I bought a physical copy of Skyrim! Back in, uh... 2011.

Prooooobably overdid it with installing over 10 slavery related mods.
I can't walk ten foot in town without being stripped, raped and put in bondage. While it was fun the first 10 times, its really starting to limit how many modded locations I can explore at all. Especially with the tolls and escorts needed to exit cities, along with separate licenses to not have your weapons, armor, magic items and clothing forbidden and confiscated. There are a LOT of ways to really fuck up your freedom of choice in this. Nearly totally unplayable, but if not for how arms still glitch out of bondage for me constantly and break immersion, I'm too deep down the rabbithole now to start uninstalling things.

Tried to make breast collision work better with some other physics mods, which kinda just broke tits altogether in some animations, so now I've been trying to reinstall the old HDT skins and batch building everything over again twice to try to fix that - but I still get issues. That plus most sex poses don't align correctly, but I can't bother trying to fix that too right now. If not for how insanely many ways there are to test things out, I'd consider just giving up for a while.
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Jul 12, 2017
Too much work for me to even get the bloody thing working, to be honest. I prefer Sims 4 in that sense, since it's so much simpler to get adult mods up and running for that game. Takes 5-10 minutes.

Another problem is that the base game - that is Skyrim without mods - is such a dull experience, filled with at best forgettable (and at worst laughable) writing and technical issues in the form of bugs and glitches. There are mods that help with the latter, but none that fixes the writing. Usually they add to the problem, instead...

So no, for me Skyrim is very far from "the best porn game". Not that I'm sure what game is, I just know that for me, Skyrim certainly isn't.


Feb 27, 2018
I enjoy modding Skyrim. It's quite the hobby with how temperamental the program can be, but you can get terrific results if you put in the time.
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Sep 23, 2017
Woosh, still testing my way through this... Its quite a trip.
Had outdated versions of zazanimations and DDi that I replaced. That fixed a bunch of the bondage gear issues. Making everything compatible manually is a kind of hell once you have over 100 mods that might be related.

The version of Slaverun I found only works with DDi 4.1, so when I started modding I installed an older version of it to make it work at all. Had to alter a script file to make Slaverun accept the newest version. Slaverun might have messed up some of the bondage animations too. Replaced another file in it that might have been the cause, which I think made the animations work better too. I still get issues when moving around in bondage at times, but I'm not sure what there's left to do. Tried to go into TES5edit to manually replace keywords to make animations match, but I can't see any problem there. Somewhere along the line I broke and fixed boob physics again.

Finally I gave in and made a less obscene version of my bodyslide settings, so the clothing wouldnt keep clipping everywhere. I am faaar too deep into this modlist now to start looking for different clothing replacers again. I miss you already, Titty Beast MK3.

I get the feeling I'm gonna be pretty disappointed in that new Illusion game I was keeping an eye on before, now that I've put so much effort into turning Skyrim into a fetish wonderland. Some credit is due to Conan Exiles, tho, since that free weekend on steam was what inspired me to start installing nsfw mods for skyrim in the first place. Maybe next time its on sale I'll dare to go online to one of those kinky servers they have for that as well.

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
You spelled sims 4 wrong.
Wicked whims does a good job of creating interesting gameplay.
You want a game where everyone fucks everything that moves?
Go ahead.
You want it to be realistic?
Go head.
You can fine tune it.
Then there are the traits:
Quckqueen, polymorth, incest, infertal, sexualy aluring.
Without the mod i get to reason to care for asperation points.
But the biggest stuff they add is fertility cycle's, bleeing vagiana's that require tampons and ???? the other female thingy.
It adds the risk of pregancy, the childeren you got to raise.
It allows so many locations to have sex and seems feeling ashamed when caught.
You can teach your sims to love being nude.

If you are looking for good porn games:
Superpowered, hentai highschool+, lab rats 1, take over, Free cities modded( )

Good looking girls.
Good story.
Good corruption.
Accauly mind control.
Multi playstyle supported.
You want to be a lover?
You can.
You want to be a rapist?
You can.
You want to be a mind controling pimp?
You can.
The game is my third favorite porn game for a very good reason.
It has a bit of everything flow flawlesly togather.
The only reasons it loses out too hentai highschool+ and free cities is the sheer size of the games and the fact i cant change the main charaters name from billy to Malaficus.

Hentai highschool+
You have several tools to turn a normal highschool into slut high.
The end goal is compleetl sluttification of the town but how you get there is up to you.
Gameplay including:
A class system where you asign lessions to classes.
Corrupting lessions.
A poorly done slavery.
Story baised blackmail.
Overpowered drugs and hypnosis.
The reason Hentai highschool+ is my second porn gameis because of the sheer size of it, the story idea is great(you pretty much are in charge of a failing school and need to make it productive while slowly corrupting it)
The sweet taste of victory after spending a real life week carefully corrupting the right people, creating the right drug's and teaching the right lessions.
You start of as the latest in a long line of failed headmasters.
You are a pervert and have been given the tools to exploit impersionable minds.
It would be wrong of you not to exploit it.
But be careful.
Going to fast means you end up fired.
You have bosses to keep of your back, parents to corrupt and studants to teach the joys of sex.

Free cities is still the best despite being a text only game.
And the reason for this is the combination of city building, culture building, slave explotion and random events.
No other games to date has given me the same feeling of power.
Do i want to build a city where slaves are consider sacred?
Do i want to breed them enmass and destroy there mind making them little more then cattle?
Will i have them fight to the death in the arena or will i breed a new slave.
The game give's you tools and say: Have fun.
The sheer amount of options will keep you busy for weeks and if you plan to play multiple generations you probley need months to a year.
The game is also very realisitic(if you turn the right options on) prolonged interbreeding create's subpar slave's.
Names are base on country of origin.
You can be attack and killed.

The only limet is free cities is that you must be a slaver.
Beyond that it is up to you what you will do.
You rule a city state during the begining of the end.
Rule well or end up enslaved.

lab rat 1 is more of a fun afternoon distraction but it is worth playing atleast once for the story and corruption of girls.
Take over is basicly lab rats 1.5.
It takes the good and adds great stuff like reprogramming, body alteration, story.
Really the only reason i dont like it is because the main charater is an idiot who is outsmarted by everyone.
Add to this there is a very strong feeling of thou must.
Lab rats doesnt force you to go after all the girls and allows you to pick and choice your target.
Take over is very much on rails but with choice of what kind of train ride you want.
Both are good but not great.
To limeted to greatness.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2017
Sims 4 feels like playing with Dolls while Skyrim feels like you play your own Character.


Feb 27, 2018
Graphically I think Skyrim is great. Physics adds a special flare. Sims 4 is good too. I don't think it's as graphically impressive but it offers a broad spectrum of things to do.
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Jan 26, 2019
I agree completely. I used to think Skyrim is the best real time porn game, and had high hopes for Fallout 4 loverslab modding community.
Until I discovered Sims 4 NSFW mods.

Looks like Sims4 engine is way more suitable for NSFW mods than Skyrim and especially Fallout4 Creation Engine.
Personally Skyrim is a lot better than SIMS 4 due to this point:

[Correct me if I am wrong] but SIMS4 would be perfect if it had physics collision of reproductive organs and mammary glands and belly physics.

As to my knowledge no such "Physics/Collision" mod exist yet, and this a major draw back for me to any sexually moded game (as any game you can add sex or pseudo-sex animation and genitals textures to them and short sex plot/story, but few mod have the actual potential to implement the physics they need to work well and be a little "Physically Immersive")

But again this is personal preference...

Fallout 4 loverslab modding community is actually getting the physics to work like Skyrim and better but still in progress. (Check Jane Body or Atomic Body)
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Game Developer
Nov 23, 2016
The other thing that makes Skyrim great is the camera , first person and third person whenever you want ,for me that is very important to be able to adjust the distance of the character , and after I find out that Cyberpunk and The outer worlds you're only gonna be able to play in the first person (n)(n):cry::cry::cry::sleep::sleep:

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
Sims 4 feels like playing with Dolls while Skyrim feels like you play your own Character.
However sims 4 is beter for porn mods due too:
1: Face animations.
Sweating, walking around with cum on your body, smiling or looking afraid.
2: Traits.
Incest is a trait, chuck(both male and female) is a trait, infertel is a trait, sexual aluring is a trait, polymorth is a trait.
All of them effect the game and give your sims personality.
Skyrim they just repeat there lines.
3: Able to create and maintain entire families or neightborhoods.
4: Time moves onward.
Skyrim is a great game but it is static.
Sims 4 while stuck in modern times change's.
People get married, grow old, die.
They have relationships so stuff like cheating is a thing.
There are even debuff for walking in on your parents having sex.
You can also look out of your charaters eyes with the tab buttion.
So it can be viewed from first person.
And with mccc mod for the sims 4 you can have sims take care of themselves and they woudnt be suicdely stupid but just stupid.

What does skyrim offer other then this feeling of playing your own charater.
Because sims does allow you to do that too(turn automity off for select charater in options)
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Game Developer
Oct 8, 2017
Fallout 4 loverslab modding community is actually getting the physics to work like Skyrim and better but still in progress. (Check Jane Body or Atomic Body)
I feel like we'll see Elder Scrolls 6 sooner than Fallout4 sex mods reach the general level of Skyrim sex mods. Too much of WIP.

Even now modders release much more sex mods for skyrim than for fallout4.
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