How come there aren't no more Mass Effect porn games?

Mar 2, 2020
Mass Effect is like the most popular franchise on rule34, lots of nsfw images amd GIFs but for some reason there's barely any games here. Is it because of legal reasons? EA goes after creators who make porn parodies? But what about the ones that do exist?


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
The ending and Andromeda probably killed most of the remaining community hype before Patreon porn took off. No new games to incentivise quick fad cash grabs either. Basically I presume the remaining fans are not in communities where adult game development is viewed as a viable option for indies and the posers/animators have no reason to jeopardise their existing income by branching out, everyone who would pay for their games is already paying for their still renders or animations.

For an even larger crowd I don't see all that many League of Legends porn games either. Or even World of Warcraft for that matter if you don't count generic fantasy.