How dark of a game would you enjoy playing?


Sep 30, 2020
A good Example for a Game like this would be Raptus.You can choose to strangle/murder but you dont have to so this would be the best option when it comes to decesions.

I personally like Games darker than the Basement where they are stand in the pillory ;)

This is actually the last game I played that made me wonder how far down the rabbit hole a person would want to go.

To me, dark isn't just gore and taboos, but a story of playing a person who thinks like the guy in Raptus.

Also just recently finished Mindhunter (tv show) and I'm thinking: what if you take the premise of Dexter, wrap a good story around it, but give the player the option of slowly turning into Dahmer?
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Sep 30, 2020
I don't understand the choices here so I'm just gonna respond to the title: I enjoy very dark games as long as there are choices to be made. The choices can be between being good or bad, or even different kinds of bad. As long as there are choices I'm pretty much down for anything.
I could have been more clear.

If you had a scale of 1-10 of disturbing content, 5 being A Serbian Film, would anyone be interested in playing something that was a 10?

My basic idea is playing a serial killer where you have the choice to be more like Dexter, or go very deep into a dark disturbing rabbit hole.

But I'm trying to gauge where the rabbit hole should end.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2020
having read through this I'm going to have to say zero
I'm guessing Ronal the Barbarian is a zero

ps. I really like Dexter - is that dark ? - what about American Gothic
An American Crime is truly dark (cos it's largely true)


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
I've started the beginning of a revenge-esque game and I want to try and do something that hasn't been done before... But it's all been done before. So I thought, maybe going places where no one else has gone may work.

So opinions: On a scale from 1 to 10 where:

1 - I Spit On Your Grave
5 - A Serbian Film
10 - ???

What would you enjoy playing?


Sep 30, 2017
Like AON mentioned, there are different ways to interpret 'dark'. Personally, I don't really mind the gore and brutality kind (e.g. Raptus), but it often feels like the game turns into a shock-fest that just has messed up scenes for the sake of being messed up.

The most enjoyable dark themes in these games are more psychological in nature, to me. Some scenes from Ravager come to mind; especially the ones where you get to do real damage to the elves (sometimes to the point of breaking the character entirely), as well as Naho's concubine path where you get her hooked on a drug and force her to either take your abuse as your slave, or die a slow, horrible death. This is also possible in more sandbox-y games: Free Cities did an excellent job of letting you treat characters in plainly inhumane ways.

Something to note is the contrast between what you choose and what you could've chosen. Nulnil puts it well:
If they choose to be be evil, to slaughter strangers who would be their friends in another timeline, that is putting weight on the player.
The weight of the darkness can only really be felt when you can go back and look at the same characters in a happier light.
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May 11, 2019
Wow like nothing here sounds that dark to be honest...the game I just finished had abortions, killing babies (whether by ripping them out of their mother's womb then ripping it's head off to suck out it's blood or stomping on them), ripping off dicks & demon rape & it was just an unrated Hack & Slash FPS game I bought off Steam.

It would be so cool to have all of this into one game whether you're the dom/domme or the sub in a sandbox game with character customization like a mixture of SlaveMaker, Porn Empire, Rogue-Like Evolution, Earn Your Freedom, Bubblegum Sunday & Darktoz's games that would be so cool:

- Forced intercourse/Rape/Gangrape
- Forced abortions
- Forced incest
- Forced homosexuality
- Forced plastic surgery
- Forced feminization
- Degradation
- Humiliation
- Murder
- Assault
- Domination
- Brainwashing
- Manipulation
- Mutilation
- Torture
- False hope
- Gore
Oct 14, 2022
Wow like nothing here sounds that dark to be honest...the game I just finished had abortions, killing babies (whether by ripping them out of their mother's womb then ripping it's head off to suck out it's blood or stomping on them), ripping off dicks & demon rape & it was just an unrated Hack & Slash FPS game I bought off Steam.
Sounds boring.
Waste of slaves.

It would be so cool to have all of this into one game whether you're the dom/domme or the sub in a sandbox game with character customization like a mixture of SlaveMaker, Porn Empire, Rogue-Like Evolution, Earn Your Freedom, Bubblegum Sunday & Darktoz's games that would be so cool:

- Forced intercourse/Rape/Gangrape
- Forced abortions
- Forced incest
- Forced homosexuality
- Forced plastic surgery
- Forced feminization
- Degradation
- Humiliation
- Murder
- Assault
- Domination
- Brainwashing
- Manipulation
- Mutilation
- Torture
- False hope
- Gore
This on the other hand.
I get a hard on for most of this.
Gore and mutilation arent my thing as for false hope.
I detest lying.
But the rest sounds like a wonderful game.
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May 11, 2019
Sounds boring.
Waste of slaves.

This on the other hand.
I get a hard on for most of this.
Gore and mutilation arent my thing as for false hope.
I detest lying.
But the rest sounds like a wonderful game.

It's called SUCCUBUS, it's pretty badass to be honest.

To expand:
Pregnant women are tied up from their limbs & there's random abortion (or murder of the woman sometimes both) animation that happens & naked dudes tied up then there's a random animation of you being a cock tease before killing them or ripping their dicks off. Both instances (along with stomping on babies) are ways to get health in the game. You can summon minions but no slaves until you beat the game.


Gore & mutilation aren't for everyone but there's ways to make it work. Forcing the player to see such taboos to make it dark or how certain acts are achieved like through murder & torture but it all depends on how taboo the act is portrayed.

False hope is the greatest depending on how it's done like Earn Your Freedom does it so well, the MC takes a formula that supposed to make his dick bigger but he has to have sex with multiple women for it to work but absolutely no gay shit for it to work so he'd go as far as implied incest & rape to achieve it along with earning enough to be free but with my experience, there's zero chance of neither of those happening. The MC goes through a living hell due to the constant domination, humiliation & degradation through forced homosexuality, feminization, even cucked by his dream girl & her boyfriend but regardless he's never earning his freedom, never growing a bigger dick & he has to learn to love being a femboy giving blowjobs & getting his asshole creamed on a daily basis. Also does a really good job too.
Oct 14, 2022
It's called SUCCUBUS, it's pretty badass to be honest.

To expand:
Pregnant women are tied up from their limbs & there's random abortion (or murder of the woman sometimes both) animation that happens & naked dudes tied up then there's a random animation of you being a cock tease before killing them or ripping their dicks off. Both instances (along with stomping on babies) are ways to get health in the game. You can summon minions but no slaves until you beat the game.
I know.
I saw the game in my recommended list.
My only thought was:
What does this game offer other then gore?
I am more into manipulation.
I find it far more enjoying corrupting people then breaking them.

False hope is the greatest depending on how it's done like Earn Your Freedom does it so well, the MC takes a formula that supposed to make his dick bigger but he has to have sex with multiple women for it to work but absolutely no gay shit for it to work so he'd go as far as implied incest & rape to achieve it along with earning enough to be free but with my experience, there's zero chance of neither of those happening. The MC goes through a living hell due to the constant domination, humiliation & degradation through forced homosexuality, feminization, even cucked by his dream girl & her boyfriend but regardless he's never earning his freedom, never growing a bigger dick & he has to learn to love being a femboy giving blowjobs & getting his asshole creamed on a daily basis. Also does a really good job too.
Yeah the very idea that anyone can rule over me is insulting.
I would sooner murder everyone on this planet then let anyone rule over me.
Or die trying.


May 11, 2019
I know.
I saw the game in my recommended list.
My only thought was:
What does this game offer other then gore?
I am more into manipulation.
I find it far more enjoying corrupting people then breaking them.

Yeah the very idea that anyone can rule over me is insulting.
I would sooner murder everyone on this planet then let anyone rule over me.
Or die trying.

Nah there's actually not as much gore than you think, there's blood & rivers of blood but in combat not that much. Lots of decapitations, mutilating (like cutting off limbs), abortions, dicks & demon sex. It's actually a great game: decent story, great voice acting, fun battles, great character customization, interesting characters my only issues are it's kinda short, some weird dialog, developers are weird & the replay value is only there in challenges & finding hidden items. I bought it when it wasn't on sale & with a majority of the DLC & I don't regret it.


"Me"? It's a game, you're not the character, you just control said character like I might be playing Mass Effect controlling Commander Shepard but that doesn't mean he/she & I are one & the same. I'm not a sub or a femboy but I enjoy playing a game like Earn Your Freedom because I see every game as taboo erotic art & experiencing the developer's story. So saying "the very idea that anyone can rule over me is insulting" & "I would sooner murder everyone on this planet then let anyone rule over me or die trying." is silly as it's fiction & you're only looking at the side if the character is a sub, not a dom/domme.